Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bon jour! Hola! Yo! / Canada, the US and Mexico practice questions

1. Name a Mexican resort on the Pacific coast famous for cliff divers. __
2. Mexico has one great range of mountains that runs from north to south. T / F
3. Whale watching - from December to March - is an event that draws tourists to this part of Mexico. Name the resort town __ __ __ and the sea __ __ __ .
4. Your map of California will give you the name of a Mexican border town that is a short distance south of San Diego: __ .
5. Ciudad Juarez is a crime-ridden border town that is adjacent to the extreme western tip of Texas. Your map of Texas will tell you the name of the US town on the Rio Grande at the western edge of the Lone Star state: __ __ .
6.Which US city is closest to Canada on the Pacific Rim? __ .
7. Which US state is adjacent to Canada on the Atlantic coast?
8. Name the US city closest to the Canadian city of Toronto: __ .
9. Name 5 seas or oceans that surround this map.
10. Name 6 peninsulas that we have discussed on this map.
11. Name the major Canadian city near the Great Lakes: __ .
12. Name the largest French-speaking city in Canada: __ .
13. Quebec City is on a Canadian river that is as important as the Mississippi:
__ __ __ .
14. The ocean north of Canada: __ .
15. Name the high-tech Canadian city on the Pacific Rim: __ .
16. Alaska is separated from Asia by a body of water known as the __ Strait.
17. The Asian nation closest to Alaska: __ .
18. The nation whose population is about 300 million: __ .
19. The nation whose population is about 33 million: __ .
20. The nation whose population is about 100 million: __ .
21. A peninsula which is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. __ __ .
22. The type of gun that represents a mnemonic for the spelling of Caribbean: __.
23. Nation of a simple cuisine whose favorite french fry-based dish is called poutine: __.
24. Nation whose cuisine revolves around corn: __ .
25. Cacao beans (chocolate), vanilla beans and chili peppers originated in this nation: __ .