Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Miss Valley review for the exam

The Miss Valley project by trudeau
The Miss Valley project, a photo by trudeau on Flickr.

Sem exam questions

1. Westernmost river of the Miss valley?
2. The easternmost river of the Miss valley?
3. State in which we find the headwaters of the Miss?
4. State in which the Miss delta?
5. Longest tributary of the Miss?
6. To what eastern city does the Ohio extend?
7. Name the NE state that borders the Miss.
8. The SW state that borders the Miss.?
9. State through which the Tenn R enters the Miss?
10. Headwaters of La's Red R in which state?
11. Which body of water is the terminus of La's Red R?
12. State not associated w the Red?
13. Caddo chief?
14. Caddo translator?
15. Sustainability ? Using resources wisely. Being comfortable with the basic pleasures of life. Ex: Valencia Community Garden.
16. Migration of Indigenous peoples? Intermarriage with Black and white pop.
17. Migration of indigenous peoples? Ok
18. City w longest name?
19. City named for female?
20. Named for a royal person?
21. Named by a Native Amer word?
22. Two connectors between the Great lakes and NYC?
23. One island / one borough? Staten Is, also Manhattan
24. Two boroughs on one island? Brooklyn, Queens / Long Is
25. Borough on the mainland?
26. London is on the __ River.
27. Name the building that houses Parliament.
28. Name the theater partly-owned by Wm Shakespeare.
29. Name the bridge lined with shops that historically linked the North and South of the Thames River.
30. In the early 1800's a poor boy of London grew up to write successful novels about British life, such as Oliver Twist and A Tale of Two Cities. The author was Charles Dickens. The musical Oliver! is based on his novel. See a version of Oliver Jan 6, 7 or 8 at Riverview Theater.