Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Semester exam in Trudeau's world geography: re-cycled questions from the first semester quizzes

100 multiple-choice questions!

Answered on Scantron forms - bring a pencil to the exam!

Open notes, books, etc, and unlimited time!

All questions will be re-cycled from the quizzes posted on Mondotrudeau.
Many will be presented verbatim (word for word); some will be tweaked (changed in small ways).
That's the semester exam in this geography class.

Go to work on cutting and pasting the past quizzes - you will also find the answers to those questions.

> Semester exam study guide / geography / Trudeau
> 1. The name for the state of __ used by one of the tribes of the Caddo
> nation has come into widespread use. a) Louisiana b) Mississippi c)
> Texas d) Oklahoma
> 2. The home of the Caddo today: a) Louisiana b) Mississippi c) Texas d) Oklahoma
> 3. The first European explorer to visit the Caddo: a) Iberville b) DeSoto
> c) Bienville d) Nacogdoches.
> 4. Principal nations involved in colonization: a) France & Spain b)
> France & England c) Spain & England.
> 5. The Caddo were devastated by diseases brought by the colonials.
> Another word for devastated: a) damned b) defiled c) dislocated
> d) decimated.
> 6. Which group first invaded the Caddo lands? a) Osage b) US troops c)
> European colonists d) Choctaw.
> 7. Based on the sound and appearance of the word, the term Anglo must
> refer to the settlers from a) England b) Spain c) France d) Germany.
> 8. Was the date of the Louisiana Purchase before or after the US
> treaty with the Caddo? a) before b) after c) both.
> 9. One of Louisiana's neighbors was classified as a separate and
> foreign nation during the 1800s. That was a) Alabama b) Texas c)
> Arkansas d) Mississippi.
> Please see the reading on which these questions are based:
> 1. Texas 2. Oklahoma 3. DeSoto 4. France & Spain 5. decimated
> 6. Osage 7. England (see the ngl sound) 8. before 9. Texas
> 5 themes of geography . . .
> Location of the people? Manhattan
> Character of the place? Island at confluence of
> Interaction of people and the place?
> Movement of people, goods and ideas?
> Comparison of places: how are they similar and how different?
> - Identify the equator and prime meridian.
> - Sailors, pilots and the makers of GPS (Global Positioning System)
> devices are among those who depend on this grid system.
> - After explaining the coordinate system, have the student add a line
> of both latitude and longitude to your map.
> - Show your student the coordinates for Shreveport on the map: 32N, 94W.
> - Ask your student to place these major cities using only the coordinates.
> New York City: 40N, 74W
> Paris: 49N, 2E
> Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 23S, 43W
> Johannesburg, South Africa: 26S, 28E
> The Caddo in 4 States quiz -
> - concepts in social studies
> - using context to enrich your vocabulary
> 1. "Confederacy:" a) organized group b) rebels c) native Americans.
> 2. "cohesive tribe:" a) conflicted b) sticking together c) diminishing
> 3. Ozark Mountains: a) southern Arkansas b) northern Arkansas
> 4. Nacogdoches and Natchitoches were names that came from the: a) settlers
> b) native peoples c) we are not sure of the source.
> 5. This article implies that the Caddo consumed ___ protein. a) much b) little
> 6. "Kadohadacho" were tribal peoples also known as the a) Hasinai b)
> Natchitoches c) Caddo.
> 7. "Decimated" means a) measured b) destroyed c) aided by.
> 8. The Ohio Valley tribe that overpowered the Caddo: a) Iroquois b)
> Hasinai c) Osage.
> 9. In 1836, one year after the founding of Shreve Town, aka
> Shreveport, the Republic of __ proclaimed freedom from the vast nation
> of Mexico.
> a) Texas b) Oklahoma c) the United States.
> 10. T / F The name "Texas" comes from the Spanish language term for "friend."
> 11. "August" has a meaning beyond (see the title of this article) the
> name of the 8th month: a) high in status b) warm to hot c) small to
> medium-sized.
> 1.a2.b3.b4.b5.b6.c7.b8.c9.a10.f11.a
> Otzi is one of the most famous aboriginal people on the planet. Some
> 5000 years ago he died on a mountaintop in the Austrian Alps. Some 20
> years ago he was discovered in a frozen state where he had lain since
> 3000 BC.
> Please note, in regards the 5 Themes,

> 1. Shreveport's humid subtropical climate.
> 2. Tax incentives (rewards) for movie production in Shreveport.
> 3. The Gulf Coastal Plain includes Shreveport.
> 4. Shreveport's indigenous people were expelled around 1835.
> 5. Shreveport is some 300 miles north of New Orleans.
> 6. The Fant Parkway was built alongside the Red River in the 1970's.
> 7. People in the media sometime refer to this area as "S-B Land."
> 8. Hispanic people comprise (make up) about 2% of the population.
> 9. Eldorado and Sam's Town are casinos (casino means "house" in
> Italian) that were added to the Shreveport side of the Red River.
> 10. Water from the Red River can be purified for use as a municipal
> (having to do with a city) water supply.
> The S-B map:
> 1. Name the curving, NW to SE thoroughfare (area where things are moved). Red R.
> 2. Name the principal N-S conveyance (area where things are moved). Youree Dr & I-49.
> 3. Spt's downtown buildings are north of I-20. T/F T
> 4. Magnet is across the red from a major institution in Bossier:
> a) La Boardwalk b) Diamond Jacks / Isle of Capri Casino c) Barksdale
> Air Force Base. BAFB
> 5. I-20 is basically a highway that carries traffic a) East-West b)
> North-South c) NW - SE across the US. E-W
> On this map students will be able to sketch and identify -
> Red R.
> Teague Parkway (Bossier side)
> Fant Parkway
> Stoner Ave (E-W)
> Youree Dr (N-S)
> Olive St (E-W)
> Magnet / Valencia Park
> Henry Miller Shreve was the developer of the shape and style of the
> Mississippi River Steamboat, according to author and professor Gary
> Joiner.
> His design featured -
> - a wide, shallow draft hull -
> - 2 decks
> - boiler on main deck
> - improved engine
> The steamboat brought wealth to the Red River valley through increased
> trade. Imagine giant stacks of cotton bales on the front and rear
> decks of a steam boat.
> Shreve also enabled river traffic by clearing the Red of a log jam
> called the Great Raft. By one account the obstructions in the channel
> stretched from Shreveport to Baton Rouge.
> He developed a steam-powered work craft called a Snag Boat to fully
> leverage the clearing of the river of the masses of heavy trees and
> debris. The Snag Boat featured a split front hull topped with an
> armature, or frame, that enabled the men to better use a winch and
> pulley to extract heavy trees from the river sediment.
> Cave-ins of dirt and trees were the main elements of the log jam. The
> jam was so thick that islands developed in the main channel.
> Today Shreveport faces a transportation problem somewhat similar to
> that of the Great Raft. It is the air access problem due to the oddly
> high cost of flying in or out of Shreveport Regional Airport.
> We need a visionary in the mold of Henry Shreve to clear the
> obstructions in local air traffic. If we can find a way to lower
> ticket prices to a competitive level, this region will surely develop
> more wealth and comfort.
> Hydrologists
> 1. The Ozark Mountains: a) Northern Arkansas b) Southern Arkansas.
> 2. Before the 1700's there was quite a conflict between the a) Osage
> and the b) Iroquois. Which was the more powerful tribe?
> 3. The date of the Louisiana Purchase: a) 1783 b) 1803 c) 1835 d) 1836.
> 4. Which is sweeter, more succulent (juicy) and more aromatic
> (appealing aroma), the a) pimento, or cherry pepper, or the b) red
> bell pepper?
> 5. The Spaceship Earth project is an example of learning that we may term
> a) tactile b) holistic c) kinetic d) mnemonic.
> 6. With a population of 6.8 billion, most people on earth are
> competing to get an adequate supply of jobs, food, housing and __ . a)
> living space b) money
> c) ecosystem d) water.
> 7. One of these nations has a totalitarian government, one which has
> absolute power in regards people's lives. a) China b) India c) Asia d)
> Africa.
> 8. 40N, 74W: a) Beijing b) New York City c) Paris d) Chicago.
> 9. The most important item learned in the recent Mississippi Valley map quiz:
> a) 10 states b) tributaries c) memorization d) mnemonics.
> 10. A hydrologist might be a geologist. T / F
> 11. The Caddos, Celts, Zulu and Choctaw are indigenous peoples but the
> aborigines of Australia are not what we call indigenous. T / F
> 12. There is a great ocean current which flows around the peninsula of
> Florida and moves slowly north along the Atlantic coast. It is the: a)
> equatorial b) Canary c) North Atlantic d) Gulf Stream.
> 13. The devastating Katrina sequence seen in New Orleans in 2005: a)
> wind-rain-broken levees-flooding b) rain-broken levees-wind-flooding
> c) flooding-broken levees-wind-rain.
> 14. Relatively large Island which visibly separates the Caribbean from
> the Gulf of Mexico: a) Cuba b) Florida c) Venezuela d) Haiti.
> 1. Northern Ark.
> 2. The Iroquois; return to the Caddo history to see the explanation.
> 3. 1803
> 4. pimento
> 5. tactile
> 6. water
> 7. China
> 8. NYC
> 9. mnemonics
> 10. T
> 11. F
> 12. Gulf Stream
> 13. wind-rain-broken levees-flooding
> 14. Cuba
> The Rubric (required elements) that will guide Essay Writing in
> geography class includes:
> 1. Colorful opening. There are 3 recommended ways to create an
> interest-getting opening: a) use a quote b) ask a question c) write
> with vivid description.
> 2. Blend the topics continually in the paper. Do not write a block of
> material about one topic and then write a separate block about the
> other topic. Integrate the topics as you offer insight and evidence.
> 3) Use comparison terms:
> * different from,
> * the same,
> * Both,
> * similar to,
> * Neither, ... nor,
> * like X is (adjective),
> * ... than X is (adverb) than.
> * both, ...
> * either...or
> * likewise
> * similarly
> * although,
> * but neither...
> * nor
> * however
> * on the other hand
> 4. Specific examples must be used to support generalities. An example:
> generality - The Incredibles was an awesome movie. specific - The
> Incredibles appealed to me because the characters (especially the mom
> and the teen sister) were believable. They sounded like people I know.
> 5. Grammar counts.
> 6. Spelling, too. When in doubt, see a dictionary or ask me.
> 7. Punctuation is paramount. Again, ask me or your Grammar Check software.
> 8. Include documentation via "according to ...". This means include
> your source - from World Book to your little brother - in the body of
> your writing. Usually you place it at the end of the first or second
> sentence, says Grammar For Today.
> 9. Write a snappy title. Ways to make a title fun are to tweak a song
> or movie title or use alliteration. Also, write an explanatory
> subtitle. Example: "Dinkas are Incredibles;" "Many refugees from the
> Sudanese Dinka tribe have moved from poverty in east Africa to comfort
> in the US."
> 10. Finally, please don't put quotation marks around your title -
> unless you are quoting someone.
> Commonly used demographics include
> gender,
> race,
> age,
> income,
> disabilities,
> mobility (in terms of travel time to work or number of vehicles available),
> educational attainment,
> home ownership,
> employment status, and even
> location.
> Pratt Industries (USA), Inc. operates as a paper and packaging company
> in the United States and Australia. It also operates paper mills,
> recycling facilities, and sheet and box plants.
> In addition, the company offers corrugated products for durable and
> non-durable goods, including lighting, electronics, glass,
> telecommunications, automotive, pharmaceuticals, toys, sporting goods,
> wine and spirits, vegetables, fruits, pizza, poultry, meats, and fish.
> Pratt Industries operates some 50 plants in about 20 states in the US
> and Mexico. Founded in 1948 by Leon Pratt, grandfather of current
> chairman Anthony Pratt, the company is owned and controlled by
> Australian-based Pratt family investment vehicle Visy Industries.
> Geology -
> - N Amer Plate
> - S Amer Plate
> - African Plate
> - Eurasian Plate
> - Arabian Plate
> - Indo-Australian Plate
> - Earthquake Zones
> - Arrows indicating direction of tectonic forces
> - core (esp note nickel, molten)
> - mantle (esp see pliable, magma, thickness)
> - crust (see both thick and thin)
> - watery planet
> and add explanations for, from pp. 45 - 47:
> - Ring of Fire
> - subduction
> - spreading
> - converging
> - faulting
> A number of experts say that California is due for a large earthquake;
> likely a quake that would emanate from the San Andreas fault line,
> which runs under much of Southern California. During such an
> earthquake, waves would become trapped in the sediment underneath Los
> Angeles, causing 7.8-level tremors that could shake the area for up to
> two minutes, says the University of Southern California Daily Trojan.
> Tectonics
> 1. The process that enables the earth's plates to move: a) convection
> b) subduction c) faulting d) spreading. (a)
> 2. The word for the circular process in which materials rise when
> heated and fall when cooled. a) convection b) subduction c) faulting
> d) spreading. (a)
> 3. The location of the heat which is thought to drive movement of the
> earth's plates: a) core b) mantle c) crust d) oceans. (c)
> 4. Which is lighter, the a) continental crust or the b) oceanic crust? (a)
> 5. When two plates of the same type meet: a) converging b) subduction
> c) faulting d) spreading. (a)
> 6. When two plates grind against each other: a) converging b)
> subduction c) faulting d) spreading. (c)
> 7. When two plates move in opposite directions: a) converging b)
> subduction c) faulting d) spreading. (c)
> 8. When a lighter and a heavier plate meet: a) converging b)
> subduction c) faulting d) spreading. (b)
> 9. The textbook says that "Human population is growing fastest along
> the Ring of Fire, the zone marked by volcanoes and earthquake
> regions." T / F (T)
> 10. The San Andreas Fault runs through the middle of Los Angeles but
> does not reach San Francisco. T / F (F)
> 11. A split in the earth's crust may be called a __ valley. a) rift b)
> pangaeaic c) fault d) volcanic . (a)
> 12. Current measurements indicate the age of the earth is about __
> years. a) 2.6 billion b) 3.6 billion c) 4.6 billion d) 5.6 billion (c)
> Sustainability is the capacity to endure, says Wikipedia.
> In ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse
> and productive over time. For humans it is the potential for long-term
> maintenance of well being, which in turn depends on the maintenance of
> the natural world and natural resources.[1]
> California & Silicon Valley
> 1) Napa Valley is associated with the art and science of making wine -
> something at which California excels. Wine-making is called a) vino
> b) vineyard c) viticulture d) vintners .
> 2) Birth of the Fender Telecaster and Precision bass: a) Los Angeles
> b) Sacramento c) Palo Alto d) San Diego.
> 3) Founded by a duo; functions as a triumvirate: a) Google b)
> Microsoft c) Apple d) US government.
> 4) Position of the island called Alcatraz relative to the Golden Gate:
> a) East b) West c) North c) South.
> 5) With Stanford University, Google and UC Berkeley in the region, the
> main industry of Silicon Valley is higher education. T / F
> 6) Pacific Rim location is an advantage for the Port of Los Angeles
> because cargo can come directly from __ to the US. a) India b) Britain
> c) Brazil d) China.
> 7) Affluent area: a) San Francisco b) Anaheim c) Oakland d) Malibu.
> 8) “We live in a litigious society.” In other words, a society that is
> a) entrepreneurial b) prone to spraining ligaments c) suit prone
> d) communications-minded.
> 9) Stanford students Sergey Brin and Larry Page collaborated on the
> creation of a) Yahoo b) Google c) Apple d) the Bill & Melinda Gates
> Foundation.
> 10) Los Angeles is found at about 34N latitude, 118W longitude. If you
> had a gigantic tunnel-machine capable of drilling through the core of
> the earth, you could start at LA and come out, on the other side of
> the globe, near Beijing. T / F
> 11) T / F Vietnam and Tibet border China.
> 12) Cheap labor and highly-educated workers are abundant in the
> nations of China and __. a) South Korea b) Somalia c) Britain.
> 13) The area to be known as Silicon Valley was initiated into the high
> tech world by a) the Navy Research center b) NASA’s aeronautics
> research c) a venture capital arrangement by a Stanford professor.
> 14) Not a part of Silicon Valley: a) Mountain View b) Cupertino c)
> Palo Alto d) Oakland.
> 15) The Pirates of the Caribbean movies made extensive use of
> computer-generated images (CGI). Based on our recent studies, we can
> assume much of the work for those movies was done in a) San Francisco
> b) Los Angeles c) San Diego d) New Orleans.
> 16) Hewlett-Packard, an early American high tech company, was founded
> in a) 1939 b) 1959 c) 1979.
> 17) In the 1970s and 1980s, ____'s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
> played a pivotal role in object-oriented programming, graphical user
> interfaces (GUIs), Ethernet, PostScript, and laser printers.
> a) Apple b) IBM c) Xerox d) Microsoft.
> 18) The Sierra Nevada mountains are part of the Rocky Mountains. T / F
> 19) In California’s southeasternmost region is a large empty quarter.
> No mountains, no municipalities. That area must be a) the Mojave b)
> Death Valley c) Nevada d) San Joaquin Valley.
> 20) According to the Silicon Valley article in, the
> following organizations are headquartered there: eBay, Dreamworks
> Animation & TiVo. T / F
> California quiz answers
> 1. c) viticulture
> 2. d) Fullerton
> 3. a) Google
> 4. a) East
> 5. F
> 6. d) China
> 7. d) Malibu
> 8. c) suit prone
> 9. b) Google
> 10. T
> 11. F
> 12. a) South Korea
> 13. a) Navy research center
> 14. d) Oakland
> 15. a) San Francisco
> 16. a) 1939
> 17. c) Xerox
> 18. F
> 19. a) the Mojave
> 20. T
> Topics
> 1. Sierra Nevada range
> 2. Lake Tahoe
> 3. Yosemite Valley
> 4. Giant Sequoia / Redwoods
> 5. The Central Valley, aka The Valley
> 6. San Francisco Bay
> 7. Mojave Desert
> 8. Death Valley
> 9. San Diego
> 10. Los Angeles history
> 11. Los Angeles demographics / ethnic diversity
> 12. Los Angeles landmarks
> 13. Los Angeles economy
> 14. San Francisco history
> 15. San Francisco landmarks
> 16. Silicon Valley
> 17. Stanford University
> 18. Univ of Cal at Berkeley
> 19. Sacramento
> 20. San Andreas Fault
> 21. California ethnic demographics
> 22. California agriculture
> 23. Golden Gate Bridge
> 24. Colorado River
> 25. Mediterranean climate
> 26. Big Sur region
> 27. California State Route 1, aka the Coast Highway
> 28. Santa Barbara
> 29. Orange County
> 30. Marin County
> 31. Venice, Los Angeles
> 32. Hollywood
> 33. UCLA
> 34. Los Angeles / Long Beach Harbor
> More Tectonics
> 1. The adversary system is one in which governmental groups aid each
> other in getting their tasks completed. T / F
> 2. A person who is friendly and has a lot in common with you may be
> described as __ . a) patriarchal b) sympatico c) onomatopoeic d) muy
> bonita.
> 3. Pratt Industries is an awesome company that operates paper mills
> and recycling plants. Additionally, it manufactures commodities
> including "lighting, electronics, glass and communications." T / F
> 4. Tarshar, chief of the Caddo, had an ally (friend and supporter) in
> the 1835 negotiations with the US government. He was a) Larkin Edwards
> b) William B Stoner c) Henry Miller Shreve d) John Coates.
> 5. Watching the tracking info that shows the shipment of an Apple
> computer as it journeys on ship from Shanghai, China, to the port of
> Los Angeles. a) Ring of Fire b) subduction c) faulting d) spreading.
> 6. The mid-Atlantic ridge: a) converging b) subduction c) faulting d)
> spreading.
> 7. What is happening on the Western side of South America where the
> Nazca Plate is meeting the South American Plate: a) converging b)
> subduction c) faulting d) spreading.
> 8. These places are considered desirable despite the threat of
> earthquakes and volcanoes: Southern California, Japan and a European
> nation: a) England b) Italy c) Spain d) France.
> 9. What kind of crust might include anchovies (fish preserved in
> brine)? a) oceanic crust b) continental crust c) subductional crust d)
> Arabian crust.
> 10. Iron mixed with nickel: a) core b) crust c) mantle d) nucleus.
> 11. Includes solid and pliable material as well as magma. a) core b)
> crust c) mantle d) nucleus.
> 12. Similar in direction of movement to the Indo-Australian Plate: a)
> Eurasian plate b) African Plate c) Arabian Plate d) South American
> Plate.
> 13. The earth's plates move because of force generated by : a)
> subduction b) convection c) faulting d) spreading.
> 14. The textbook says, in effect, that human population is growing
> fastest around the Pacific Plate. T / F
> 15. The Tectonic Plate Boundaries Map, p. 43, demonstrates that
> earthquake zones are more common in the Northern Hemisphere as well as
> in the Western Hemisphere. T / F
> 16. The length of the San Andreas Fault is approximately a) 350 b) 550
> c) 750 d) 1,150 miles.
> 1. False. See WG (World Geography, a Global Prespective); an adversary
> is your opponent.
> 2. Sympatico. Class notes; MT (MondoTrudeau).
> 3. False. MT. And logic.
> 4. Larkin Edwards. MT.
> 5. Ring of Fire=the Pacific rim. None of the tectonic terms made sense.
> 6. Spreading. WG.
> 7. Subduction. WG.
> 8. Italy. WG.
> 9. Oceanic crust. For fun.
> 10. Core. WG.
> 11. Mantle. WG.
> 12. Arabian Plate. WG.
> 13. Convection. WG.
> 14. True. WG and MT.
> 15. False. Northern and Eastern Hemisphere. WG.
> 16. 750 miles. WG and MT.
> The Magnet mission that unites our energies each day:
> a) Be responsible.
> b) Be respectful.
> c) Seek excellence.
> John Muir (1838 – 1914) was one of the earliest mountain men of California.
> His activism helped to save the Yosemite Valley, Sequoia National Park
> and other wilderness areas. The Sierra Club, which he founded, is now
> one of the most important conservation organizations in the United
> States.
> The world's richest Iranian is American technologist-philanthropist
> Pierre Omidyar.
> Please compare him to fellow-Silicon Valley mensch Steve Jobs.
> Omidyar founded eBay. Jobs founded Apple.
> Images generated by students and vocab notes from the map study:
> - sombre ro
> - poncho / serape / rebozo
> - Tex-Mex cooking, ex fajitas
> - chili pepper orognated here
> - vanilla bean origination
> - chocolatl is an Aztec word.
> - Aztec and Mayan pyramids.
> Strengths of both Aztec and Maya civilization:
> -calendars
> - astronomy
> - mathematics
> - architecture
> - cities
> - language and books
> - botanic medicine
> It is called Land of the Feathered Serpent; see the Aztec god
> Quetz,coatl. And see the long-tailed bird called the Quetzal.
> George Walton Lucas, Jr. (1944) is an American film producer,
> screenwriter, director and founder/chairman of Lucasfilm Ltd, says
> Wikipedia.
> He is best known for being the creator of the science fiction
> franchise Star Wars and joint creator of the archaeologist-adventurer
> character Indiana Jones. Today, Lucas is one of the American film
> industry's most financially successful independent
> directors/producers, with an estimated net worth of $3.25 billion as
> of 2010.[1]
> Skywalker Sound and Industrial Light & Magic, the sound and visual
> effects subdivisions of Lucasfilm, respectively, have become among the
> most respected firms in their fields. Lucasfilm Games, later renamed
> LucasArts, is well respected in the gaming industry.
> He lives in Marin County, north of San Francisco.
> Largely a repeat of WWI.
> French & British vs Germany (joined by Italy).
> - 1939 - 1945
> - US enters war as ally of GB in 1941.
> - Hitler's blitzkrieg ("lightning warfare") results in takeover of
> small nations such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Netherlands, etc.
> - Successful German takeover of France.
> - Battle of Britain (1940) - German bombing of London and English
> cities in preparation for invasion by troops. Royal Air Force (RAF)
> proves equal to the attack by the Luftwaffe (German Air Force).
> Turning point of the war.
> - German invasion of Russia was unsuccessful. German control of
> Russian Black Sea oilfields was unsuccessful.
> - Germans depended on synthetic fuel - gasoline made from coal. In
> 1944 the bombing of those plants by US and British bombers crippled
> the German forces.
> - Invasion of US/British forces at Normandy, France, begins the
> displacement of Germany's forces in Western Europe.
> - War is concluded by the invasion of Germany by US/British forces in
> the west and by successful Russian troops which invaded Germany from
> the east.
> World geography notes on WWI
> - 1914 -1918
> - France (and Britian) vs Deutschland
> - new war technology included biplanes, modern machine guns, tanks and
> poison gas (mustard gas, chlorine, phosgene).
> - stalemate - little movement
> - trench warfare -
> - war of attrition - war of deliberate sacrifice or loss of troops to
> death in battle; the side with the largest number of combatants was
> expected to prevail.
> - huge casualties - some 16 million dead.
> US entered war in 1917.
> - delayed involvement in war due to large German-American immigrant
> population as well as Isolationist (non-involvement) spirit.
> - German immigrants largest group of European immigrants to US. Ex:
> town of Minden.
> Treaty of Versailles notable for leading to WWII.
> Deutschland / Swing Kids
> 1. The movie "Swing Kids" takes place in Hamburg.
> The story of the White Rose is a similar chronicle of young people who
> protested the Reich. Students who were in the White Rose were executed
> in 1945.
> The White Rose story took place in a) Hamburg b) Munich c) Berlin d) Amsterdam.
> 2. The capital of Germany is the city of a) Hamburg b) Munich c)
> Berlin d) Amsterdam.
> 3. The capital of the region of Bavaria is a) Hamburg b) Munich c)
> Berlin d) Amsterdam.
> 4. The dates of US involvement in WWII include declaring war against
> Germany in 1941, beginning the Invasion of Europe (D-Day) in 1944 and
> forcing - along with the Russians - the surrender of Germany in the
> year of a) 1944 b) 1945 c) 1946 d) 1947.
> 5. In the movie, the fate of Thomas Berger's father and Peter Muller's
> father was similar. T / F
> 6. The censorship and control of artistic materials on the part of the
> Nazis means that the regime was a) nationalistic b) socialistic c)
> totalitarian d) ethnocentric.
> 7. "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing," was a theme of
> the swing kids. That line was from a song written by a) Benny Goodman
> b) Gene Krupa c) Django Reinhardt d) Duke Ellington.
> 8. The protagonist of the movie: a) Peter Muller b) Thomas Berger c)
> Arvid Hitmann d) Mr. Muller, Peter's father.
> 9. a) Verrator b) Jugend c) Achtung d) Verboten: Choose the German
> word that means "forbidden."
> 10. The short form of the name National Socialist German Worker's
> Party: a) Axis powers b) fascists c) Nazi d) socialists.
> 11. German Jew who escaped to the US in the 1930's: a) Karl Marx b)
> Albert Einstein c) Count Von Zeppelin d) Django Rheinhardt.
> 12. Lederhosen and the dirndl are traditional garb in the region
> around a) Munchen b) Frankfort c) Hamburg d) Berlin.
> 13. Which German word means "youth"? a) Jugend b) Juden c) Krieg d) Heine.
> 14. The Deutsch Mark has been replaced by the a) Euro b) Franc c) Pound d) USD.
> 15. a) BMW b) Audi c) Volkswagen d) Mercedes Benz e) Lexus f) Mini
> Cooper. Which of these auto companies is not German?
> 16. The attitude of the many German officers who murdered innocent
> Europeans: a) "We just play along. We get whatever we want." b) You've
> got to go along; make the best of things. We're not in charge." c) "I
> just wised up." d) "You must learn to steel yourself."
> 17. The swastika is a symbol for good fortune borrowed from a) Poland
> b) Gypsies c) India d) Turkey.
> 18. Germany did not control this nation during the 1940's: a) Denmark
> b) Norway c) Austria d) Russia.
> 19. The German word for "traitor:" a) Verrator b) Jugend c) Achtung d)
> Verboten.
> 20. The German word for "Watch out! or "Beware!:" a) Verrator b)
> Jugend c) Achtung d) Verboten.
> 1. b Munich 2. c Berlin 3. b Munich 4. b 1945 5. T 6. c
> totalitarian 7. d Duke Ellington 8. a Peter Muller 9. d
> Verboten! 10. c Nazi 11. b Einstein 12. a Munchen (Munich) 13.
> a jugend 14. a Euro
> 15. e Lexus 16. b "You've got to go along." 17. c India (and
> China) 18. d Russia 19. a verrator 20. c Achtung!
> Neighbors of the nation called Deutschland (9):
> Denmark
> Poland
> Czech Republic
> Austria
> Switzerland
> France
> Luxembourg
> Belgium
> Netherlands
> Bavarian Alps
> Rhine River
> Danube River
> Berlin
> Hamburg
> Frankfurt
> Munich
> Volkswagen
> Volks, "folks," or "people" and wagen, or ""auto"
> The "people's Car," 1934
> Dr Ferdinand Porsche, engineer / Adolph Hitler
> Cheap, fuel efficient, reliable, easy to repair.
> Sold in US and Canada in 1950's. Sales rose during the mid-1960's.
> Also German and notable -
> Porsche
> Mercedes Benz
> BMW (Bavarian Motor Works)
> Audi
> there are numerous additional German auto companies!
> Social Studies Book Experience / in-class set of novels
> Ray Bradbury's classic sci-fi novel, Fahrenheit 451 (the temperature
> at which book paper catches fire and burns).
> It is a cinematic story written in 1950 about life in the
> Twenty-fourth century.
> 1. Explain why Bradbury's opening is not boring. - active verbs
> 2. Themes - one theme is "change."
> 3. Trudeau's writing guidelines - active verbs. Quote 3 verbs in the
> opening pages that describe action. Leaping. Burning.
> 4. Finding definitions through context: "stolid." "solid"
> 5. Colors presented: yellow, orange, red, black.
> 6. Use of irony: quote a brief image that is ironic, inasmuch as the
> protagonist is burning books. Firemen burn books and houses.
> 7.Metaphor for books: "pigeons landing with open wings." .
> 8. "Singed." Explain. Edges have been burned.
> 9. What does a "Minstrel man" ordinarily do? Dance, sing, entertain.
> Often with a "black face" via makeup.
> 10. Why is the helmet described as more than "black"? Beetle-like. To
> emphasize the mystery and sense of evil.
> 11. Briefly describe the protagonist's acrobatic trick. Sliding down
> fire house pole by falling; catches himself at the last moment.
> 12. What device was described as having a "lubricated flue," "puff of
> warm air" and "Cream-tiled escalator." The fire house.
> 13. Keep a list of items that will fit the category of Modern
> Technology. Ex: wall-size TV's; Sea shells, or bluetooth ear buds,
> robot dog.
> 14. "air charged with a special calm: " Literal foreshadowing - of
> what sort of person? positive, good person.
> 15. Salamander: a fire-proof reptile in mythology. Explain the
> Phoenix. Reborn after being destroyed by fire.
> 16. Without moving, what does Clarisse do in regards Montag? Disturbs
> his thoughts and touches his heart.
> 17. Sensual writing: describe 2 smells. "kerosene is perfume to me."
> "fresh apricots and strawberries in the air"
> 18. What's ironic about the fireman's slogan? They burn and destroy
> rather than save.
> 19. "White blurs are houses." The speaker? Clarisse
> 20. "You think too many things." Speaker? Montag
> 21. "Two hundred-foot-long __s." billboards - so people can see them
> as they drive by at high speeds.
> 22. McClellans have been arrested twice. Why? For driving too slowly.
> For being a pedestrian. For oddness.
> 23. "But what do you Talk about?" Montag
> 24. "Sleep lozenge." Explain. Use of sleeping pills is common.
> 25. "Expert at lip reading." Are you pretty good at it? Mildred.
> Because she's often listening to music and seeing someone talk to her
> simultaneously.
> 26. "Do you agree to that, Helen?" "I sure do." Explain. The soap
> opera script draws Mildrd into the plot and action.
> 27. "Fourth wall-TV." Surround screens.
> 28. "You're not like the others." Clarisse to Montag.
> 29. "The dead beast, the living beast." The Mechanical Hound.
> 30. olfactory: sense of smell. proboscis: nose or snout. ballistics:
> science of projectile travel. trajectory: course of a speeding
> projectile.
> 31. "It doesn't like or dislike." Capt Beatty about the hound.
> 32. "Chemical balances and percentages are recorded in the master
> file." The hound.
> 33. "I'm anti-soical, they say." Clarisse, who likes a slower pace.
> 34. "We never ask questions, or at least, most don't." Sound familiar?
> Current day society.
> 35. "They name a lot of cars or clothes . . ." Superficial social talk.
> 36. Art as seen in museums has changed. How so? It is entirely abstract.
> 37. Vocab: proclivities: things you like to do.
> 38. "Once upon a time; what kind of talk is that?" The past seemed
> threatening in this new society.
> 39. "First fireman: Benjamin Franklin." Big lie.
> 40. "None of those books agree with each other." People are afraid of
> discussion, controversy and the work needed to make a compromise.
> 41. English heretic, 1555: "We shall light a candle as shall never be
> put out." Knowledge and truth are indelible.
> 42. Burnt by chemicals to a brittle straw." Like some people's hair today.
> 43. Dante, Swift, Marcus Aurelius. Classic writers.
> 44. "Photography. Then motion pictures." The banning of upsetting
> media took this path.
> 45. "Quadruple population." Over-population is a key to understanding
> this distorted world.
> 46. "Books cut shorter. Condensations." People had shortened attention
> spans. That is porbably true today.
> 47. "School shortened, discipline relaxed, philosophies, histories,
> languages dropped." To some degree, those are changes we've
> experienced in recent decades.
> 48. "Spelling gradually neglected; finally, ignored." The "slippery
> slope" toward a careless society.
> 49. "Empty the theaters save for clowns." Theaters no longer presented
> tragedies and documentaries.
> 50. "More sports for everyone, group spirit, fun and you don't have to
> think, eh?" Sports engage people so that they can avoid thinking about
> morals and mortality.
> 51. Who are the 'relatives' ('aunts,' 'uncles') who can be heard
> chatting in the Montag household? They are fictional performers. They
> are the soap opera characters who seem to be family to their
> listeners.
> 52. "Why learn anything save pressing buttons?" (Beatty) Does the
> advent of the computer and advanced software take us in this
> direction?
> Kind of like today: why memorize facts if you Google them at any time?
> There is, of course, still value in knowledge committed to memory.
> 53. "Don't step on the toes of the dog lovers, the cat lovers." (Beatty)
> Each special interest group is sensitive. Should each have their way
> when it comes to making their point of view into public policy?
> 54. "The bigger your market, Montag, the less you handle controversy." (Beatty)
> Controversy: must we always minimize it? Is a certain amount of
> controversy the mark of the society which can sustain a healthy
> dialogue?
> 55. "Magazines became a nice blend of tapioca." (Beatty)
> Nothing but niceness and sweetness in magazines. Tapioca is a bland,
> vanilla pudding.
> 56. "But the public, knowing what it wanted, let the ___ books
> survive. And the three-dimensional __ magazines, of course." (Beatty)
> Are these the bottom line publications of a modern society?
> 57. "It didn't come from the __ down. There was no (government)
> censorship to start with." (Beatty)
> Social tensions created a climate in which book banning was seen as a
> a good idea. The government flowed suit, moving to enforce the idea.
> 58. "Technology, __ __ and minority __ carried the trick." (Beatty)
> How we were able to function as a society yet ban most books.
> 59. "You are allowed to read __, the good old ____ or ___ journals." (Beatty)
> These books do not stimulate people to think deeply.
> 60. "With _____ graduating more runners, racers, tinkerers, instead of
> examiners, imaginative creators. . . " (Beatty's analysis)
> Schools have decided to help society remain peaceful and content by
> focusing on sports and mechanical activities. Sports began to be more
> highly valued than ideas and inventions.
> 61. "Not everyone born free and equal . . . but everyone Made equal.
> Then all are happy." (Beatty)
> A way to attain a peaceful society.
> 62. "A book is a loaded gun . . . who knows who might be the target of
> the well-read man?" (Beatty)
> Well-read men, it is assumed, might make the less well-read feel
> uncomfortable by comparison.
> 63. "Custodians of our peace of mind, the focus of our dread of being
> inferior." (Beatty)
> Not letting anyone feel inferior becomes an obsession in this society.
> The book-burning 'firemen' keep everyone equal in their educational
> background.
> 64. "You must understand that our society is so vast that we can't
> have our minorities upset and stirred."
> (Beatty) Is it too much trouble for a nation to mediate between the
> various minority points of view?
> 65. Terminology in social studies: "A slippery slope argument states
> that a relatively small first step inevitably leads to a chain of
> related events culminating in some significant impact, much like an
> object given a small push over the edge of a slope sliding all the way
> to the bottom." Beatty's argument is based on the slippery slope
> concept. T / F
> Yes. Beatty says that once we banned certain kinds of literature, we
> could not stop banning materials.
> 66. When a segment of society is upset by a book, the answer to the
> conflict is to __ __ . (Beatty)
> There are many more answers to the problem of working through a controversy.
> 67. The Big Flue is symbolic of the excision of the ritual of the ____ .
> Death is scary and even embarrassing. Therefore it is almost entirely hidden.
> 68. "She didn't want to know How a thing was done, but Why. That can
> be embarrassing. You ask Why to a lot of things and you wind up very
> unhappy, indeed." (Beatty)
> The 'why' of doing things has to do with examine your philosophy. That
> is a higher level of thinking and leads to a difference of opinion.
> 69. How does a totalitarian government control thoughts that may lead
> to unrest and protest? Give the population __ information. (Again,
> Beatty)
> Keep the populace busy with "bread and circuses." That was part of the
> system of control developed during the Roman Empire.
> 70. "Police alert. Wanted: fugitive in the city. Has committed murder
> and crimes against the state." Media statement in regards finding
> Montag.
> This is similar to today's scene, in which a fugitive in a car might
> be seen by people watching TV cameras follow the wanted person online.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Farenheit 451: first 50 pages online, free

Farenheit 451
Originally uploaded by samuel ✂ castaño
How can you tell that the work above - Farenheit 451 - is a title graphic designed by a Spanish-speaking artist?

Go here to read
the first 50 pages online.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Classic social studies literature: Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451
Originally uploaded by marcos argola
Social Studies Book Experience / in-class set of novels

Ray Bradbury's classic sci-fi novel, Fahrenheit 451 (the temperature at which book paper catches fire and burns).

It is a cinematic story written in 1950 about life in the Twenty-fourth century.

Mission - students will demonstrate knowledge of
- The art of writing a review of a social studies book.
- Governmental studies - totalitarianism, dictatorships and freedom of thought.
- How literature deepens and amplifies knowledge in the social studies.

1. Explain why Bradbury's opening is not boring. - active verbs
2. Themes - one theme is "change."
3. Trudeau's writing guidelines - active verbs. Quote 3 verbs in the opening pages that describe action. Leaping. Burning.
4. Finding definitions through context: "stolid." "solid"
5. Colors presented: yellow, orange, red, black.

6. Use of irony: quote a brief image that is ironic, inasmuch as the protagonist is burning books. Firemen burn books and houses.
7.Metaphor for books: "pigeons landing with open wings." .
8. "Singed." Explain. Edges have been burned.
9. What does a "Minstrel man" ordinarily do? Dance, sing, entertain. Often with a "black face" via makeup.
10. Why is the helmet described as more than "black"? Beetle-like. To emphasize the mystery and sense of evil.

11. Briefly describe the protagonist's acrobatic trick. Sliding down fire house pole by falling; catches himself at the last moment.
12. What device was described as having a "lubricated flue," "puff of warm air" and "Cream-tiled escalator." The fire house.
13. Keep a list of items that will fit the category of Modern Technology. Ex: wall-size TV's; Sea shells, or bluetooth ear buds, robot dog.
14. "air charged with a special calm: " Literal foreshadowing - of what sort of person? positive, good person.
15. Salamander: a fire-proof reptile in mythology. Explain the Phoenix. Reborn after being destroyed by fire.

16. Without moving, what does Clarisse do in regards Montag? Disturbs his thoughts and touches his heart.
17. Sensual writing: describe 2 smells. "kerosene is perfume to me." "fresh apricots and strawberries in the air"
18. What's ironic about the fireman's slogan? They burn and destroy rather than save.
19. "White blurs are houses." The speaker? Clarisse
20. "You think too many things." Speaker? Montag

21. "Two hundred-foot-long __s." billboards - so people can see them as they drive by at high speeds.
22. McClellans have been arrested twice. Why? For driving too slowly. For being a pedestrian. For oddness.
23. "But what do you Talk about?" Montag
24. "Sleep lozenge." Explain. Use of sleeping pills is common.
25. "Expert at lip reading." Are you pretty good at it? Mildred. Because she's often listening to music and seeing someone talk to her simultaneously.

26. "Do you agree to that, Helen?" "I sure do." Explain. The soap opera script draws Mildrd into the plot and action.
27. "Fourth wall-TV." Surround screens.
28. "You're not like the others." Clarisse to Montag.
29. "The dead beast, the living beast." The Mechanical Hound.
30. olfactory: sense of smell. proboscis: nose or snout. ballistics: science of projectile travel. trajectory: course of a speeding projectile.

31. "It doesn't like or dislike." Capt Beatty about the hound.
32. "Chemical balances and percentages are recorded in the master file." The hound.
33. "I'm anti-soical, they say." Clarisse, who likes a slower pace.
34. "We never ask questions, or at least, most don't." Sound familiar? Current day society.
35. "They name a lot of cars or clothes . . ." Superficial social talk.

36. Art as seen in museums has changed. How so? It is entirely abstract.
37. Vocab: proclivities: things you like to do.
38. "Once upon a time; what kind of talk is that?" The past seemed threatening in this new society.
39. "First fireman: Benjamin Franklin." Big lie.
40. "None of those books agree with each other." People are afraid of discussion, controversy and the work needed to make a compromise.

41. English heretic, 1555: "We shall light a candle as shall never be put out." Knowledge and truth are indelible.
42. Burnt by chemicals to a brittle straw." Like some people's hair today.
43. Dante, Swift, Marcus Aurelius. Classic writers.
44. "Photography. Then motion pictures." The banning of upsetting media took this path.
45. "Quadruple population." Over-population is a key to understanding this distorted world.

46. "Books cut shorter. Condensations." People had shortened attention spans. That is porbably true today.
47. "School shortened, discipline relaxed, philosophies, histories, languages dropped." To some degree, those are changes we've experienced in recent decades.
48. "Spelling gradually neglected; finally, ignored." The "slippery slope" toward a careless society.
49. "Empty the theaters save for clowns." Theaters no longer presented tragedies and documentaries.
50. "More sports for everyone, group spirit, fun and you don't have to think, eh?" Sports engage people so that they can avoid thinking about morals and mortality.

51. Who are the 'relatives' ('aunts,' 'uncles') who can be heard chatting in the Montag household? They are fictional performers. They are the soap opera characters who seem to be family to their listeners.
52. "Why learn anything save pressing buttons?" (Beatty) Does the advent of the computer and advanced software take us in this direction?
Kind of like today: why memorize facts if you Google them at any time? There is, of course, still value in knowledge committed to memory.
53. "Don't step on the toes of the dog lovers, the cat lovers." (Beatty)
Each special interest group is sensitive. Should each have their way when it comes to making their point of view into public policy?
54. "The bigger your market, Montag, the less you handle controversy." (Beatty)
Controversy: must we always minimize it? Is a certain amount of controversy the mark of the society which can sustain a healthy dialogue?
55. "Magazines became a nice blend of tapioca." (Beatty)
Nothing but niceness and sweetness in magazines. Tapioca is a bland, vanilla pudding.
56. "But the public, knowing what it wanted, let the ___ books survive. And the three-dimensional __ magazines, of course." (Beatty)
Are these the bottom line publications of a modern society?
57. "It didn't come from the __ down. There was no (government) censorship to start with." (Beatty)
Social tensions created a climate in which book banning was seen as a a good idea. The government flowed suit, moving to enforce the idea.
58. "Technology, __ __ and minority __ carried the trick." (Beatty)
How we were able to function as a society yet ban most books.
59. "You are allowed to read __, the good old ____ or ___ journals." (Beatty)
These books do not stimulate people to think deeply.
60. "With _____ graduating more runners, racers, tinkerers, instead of examiners, imaginative creators. . . " (Beatty's analysis)
Schools have decided to help society remain peaceful and content by focusing on sports and mechanical activities. Sports began to be more highly valued than ideas and inventions.

61. "Not everyone born free and equal . . . but everyone Made equal. Then all are happy." (Beatty)
A way to attain a peaceful society.
62. "A book is a loaded gun . . . who knows who might be the target of the well-read man?" (Beatty)
Well-read men, it is assumed, might make the less well-read feel uncomfortable by comparison.
63. "Custodians of our peace of mind, the focus of our dread of being inferior." (Beatty)
Not letting anyone feel inferior becomes an obsession in this society. The book-burning 'firemen' keep everyone equal in their educational background.
64. "You must understand that our society is so vast that we can't have our minorities upset and stirred."
(Beatty) Is it too much trouble for a nation to mediate between the various minority points of view?
65. Terminology in social studies: "A slippery slope argument states that a relatively small first step inevitably leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant impact, much like an object given a small push over the edge of a slope sliding all the way to the bottom." Beatty's argument is based on the slippery slope concept. T / F
Yes. Beatty says that once we banned certain kinds of literature, we could not stop banning materials.
66. When a segment of society is upset by a book, the answer to the conflict is to __ __ . (Beatty)
There are many more answers to the problem of working through a controversy.
67. The Big Flue is symbolic of the excision of the ritual of the ____ .
Death is scary and even embarrassing. Therefore it is almost entirely hidden.
68. "She didn't want to know How a thing was done, but Why. That can be embarrassing. You ask Why to a lot of things and you wind up very unhappy, indeed." (Beatty)
The 'why' of doing things has to do with examine your philosophy. That is a higher level of thinking and leads to a difference of opinion.
69. How does a totalitarian government control thoughts that may lead to unrest and protest? Give the population __ information. (Again, Beatty)
Keep the populace busy with "bread and circuses." That was part of the system of control developed during the Roman Empire.
70. "Police alert. Wanted: fugitive in the city. Has committed murder and crimes against the state." Media statement in regards finding Montag.
This is similar to today's scene, in which a fugitive in a car might be seen by people watching TV cameras follow the wanted person online.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Deutschland: Volkswagens and Porsches

Volks, "folks," or "people" and wagen, or ""auto"

The "people's Car," 1934
Dr Ferdinand Porsche, engineer / Adolph Hitler
Cheap, fuel efficient, reliable, easy to repair.

Sold in US and Canada in 1950's. Sales rose during the mid-1960's.

Also German and notable -

Mercedes Benz
BMW (Bavarian Motor Works)

there are numerous additional German auto companies!

Nikolaus Otto: a German engineer who developed the first four-stroke internal combustion engine in the 1860's.

The blimp-like airship called a Zeppelin was developed by Germans and used in the 1920's and 1930's for flights around Europe and across the Atlantic.

The basics on Germany / Deutschland

Germany by Lexi
Originally uploaded by trudeau

The minimal map work -

Neighbors aplenty (9):
Czech Republic

Bavarian Alps
Rhine River
Danube River


Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Swing Kids: young Germans avoiding the Nazis

Deutschland / Swing Kids

1. The movie "Swing Kids" takes place in Hamburg. The story of the White Rose is a similar chronicle of young people who protested the Reich. Students who were in the White Rose were executed in 1945.
That story took place in a) Hamburg b) Munich c) Berlin d) Amsterdam.

2. The capital of Germany is the city of a) Hamburg b) Munich c) Berlin d) Amsterdam.

3. The capital of the region of Bavaria is a) Hamburg b) Munich c) Berlin d) Amsterdam.

4. The dates of US involvement in WWII include declaring war against Germany in 1941, beginning the Invasion of Europe (D-Day) in 1944 and forcing - along with the Russians - the surrender of Germany in the year of a) 1944 b) 1945 c) 1946 d) 1947.

5. In the movie, the fate of Thomas Berger's father and Peter Muller's father was similar. T / F

6. The censorship and control of artistic materials on the part of the Nazis means that the regime was a) nationalistic b) socialistic c) totalitarian d) ethnocentric.

7. "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing," was a theme of the swing kids. That line was from a song written by a) Benny Goodman b) Gene Krupa c) Django Reinhardt d) Duke Ellington.

8. The protagonist of the movie: a) Peter Muller b) Thomas Berger c) Arvid Hitmann d) Mr. Muller, Peter's father.

9. a) Verrator b) Jugend c) Achtung d) Verboten: Choose the German word that means "forbidden."

10. The short form of the name National Socialist German Worker's Party: a) Axis powers b) fascists c) Nazis d) socialists.

11. German Jew who escaped to the US in the 1930's: a) Karl Marx b) Albert Einstein c) Count Von Zeppelin d) Django Rheinhardt.

12. Lederhosen and the dirndl are traditional garb in the region around a) Munchen b) Frankfort c) Hamburg d) Berlin.

13. Which German word means "youth"? a) Jugend b) Juden c) Krieg d) Heine.

14. The Deutsch Mark has been replaced by the a) Euro b) Franc c) Pound d) USD.

15. a) BMW b) Audi c) Volkswagen d) Mercedes Benz e) Lexus f) Mini Cooper. Which of these auto companies is not German?

16. The attitude of the many German officers who murdered innocent Europeans: a) "We just play along. We get whatever we want." b) You've got to go along; make the best of things. We're not in charge." c) "I just wised up." d) "You must learn to steel yourself."

17. The swastika is a symbol for good fortune borrowed from a) Poland b) Gypsies c) India d) Turkey.

18. Germany did not control this nation during the 1940's: a) Denmark b) Norway c) Austria d) Russia.

19. The German word for "traitor:" a) Verrator b) Jugend c) Achtung d) Verboten.

20. The German word for "Watch out! or "Beware!:" a) Verrator b) Jugend c) Achtung d) Verboten.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Western Europe: battleground for the great wars, WWI & WWII

Originally uploaded by Small Town OK
World geography notes on WWI

- 1914 -1918
- France (and Britian) vs Deutschland
- new war technology included biplanes, modern machine guns, tanks and poison gas (mustard gas, chlorine, phosgene).
- stalemate - little movement
- trench warfare -
- war of attrition - war of deliberate sacrifice or loss of troops to death in battle; the side with the largest number of combatants was expected to prevail.
- huge casualties - some 16 million dead.

US entered war in 1917.
- delayed involvement in war due to large German-American immigrant population as well as Isolationist (non-involvement) spirit.
- German immigrants largest group of European immigrants to US. Ex: town of Minden.

Treaty of Versailles notable for leading to WWII.

Largely a repeat of WWI.
French & British vs Germany (joined by Italy).
- 1939 - 1945
- US enters war as ally of GB in 1941.
- Hitler's blitzkrieg ("lightning warfare") results in takeover of small nations such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Netherlands, etc.
- Successful German takeover of France.
- Battle of Britain (1940) - German bombing of London and English cities in preparation for invasion by troops. Royal Air Force (RAF) proves equal to the attack by the Luftwaffe (German Air Force).
Turning point of the war.
- German invasion of Russia was unsuccessful. German control of Russian Black Sea oilfields was unsuccessful.
- Germans depended on synthetic fuel - gasoline made from coal. In 1944 the bombing of those plants by US and British bombers crippled the German forces.
- Invasion of US/British forces at Normandy, France, begins the displacement of Germany's forces in Western Europe.
- War is concluded by the invasion of Germany by US/British forces in the west and by successful Russian troops which invaded Germany from the east.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Quizzes and soap / France

Magnet geography, France
Originally uploaded by trudeau
France quizzes, middle class of the week (Tues/Wed) -

- Map, sketch 12 items including all neighbors
- Mult-choice, open notes, 12 items

Relief sculpture in soap, Th/Fri: 10 pts. -
- Any full-size bar of soap - the easiest to carve is Ivory.
- Carving tools supplied by me (heavy paper clips).
- Clean-up of desk and floor is worth 3 pts.
- Simple design - Western European motif.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Quiz on France next week: map and web site notes

Bradley's France
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Symbols of France and her neighbors

1. Paris - see notes on 4 monuments.
2. Marseille - on the Mediterranean coast, it is the 2nd largest French city - a bit like Los Angeles but with historic architecture.
3. Seine R - flows from the North Sea through Paris.
4. Rhine R - originating in Switzerland, the Rhine is the border between France and Germany. It flows northward to the North Sea. It's like the Mississippi of Europe.
5. Riviera or Cote d'Azur - the beach region along the French Mediterranean coast near Italy. Imagine sidewalk cafes and yachts.
6. Spain and the Pyrenees mountains: An image of trailer camps in which groups of Gypsies, or the Romany people, have temporarily settled.
7. Alps and the Italian border - Mt Blanc is a principal peak for tourism and snow skiing.
8. Swiss Alps - think skiing, hot chocolate and a melted cheese dish called fondue.
9. Rhineland and German border - think of sauerkraut, the German national dish - which is shredded cabbage with weiners on top.
10. Belgium - the Belgians are famous for waffles and are said to have developed French fries.
11. English Channel - a 20 mile-wide expanse of water that is crossed by ferry, plane or underground train - whoich goes through the "Chunnel."
12. Britain is a neighbor, if separated by the channel. British people who migrated to France in ancient times are the reason a coastal region is known as Brittany.

Notes from World Geo, pp 302 - 308 -

- French wines are one of their most important exports. Reminds us of Louisiana exporting hot sauce.
- Mt Blanc is on the French-Italian border, Mt Whitney is in California and the tallest US peak, Mt McKinley (aka Denali), is in Alaska.
- Bouillabaise is a famous French seafood stew. Marseille is a city. Versailles is a city and historic palace.
- French history reflects both the Celts and the Romans.
- Charlemagne was a French king of the Medieval period.
- Before the French revolution - 1789 - the king and the noblemen controlled people's lives. After the revolution there was more general freedom and social mobility.
- The French language is guarded by the government but the nation is home to many languages, such as English, German, and Arabic.

Indie Work -

The Four Monuments of Paris Pop-up Project may be used as a lesson for a classmate or parent. Get your pupil to respond to 6 questions of yours or ask them to write a brief essay on what they learned about the monuments. Add a profile of your respondent.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Dec 1: first day of the eight days of Hannukah in 2010

golden menorah
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Hanukkah (Hebrew), also known as the Festival of Lights is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE.

Hanukkah is observed for eight nights, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar, says Wikipedia.

The festival is observed by the kindling of the lights of a unique candelabrum, the nine-branched Menorah or Hanukiah, one additional light on each night of the holiday, progressing to eight on the final night. The typical Menorah consists of 9 branches.

Hanukkah is celebrated by a series of rituals that are performed every day throughout the 8-day holiday, some are family-based and others communal. There are special additions to the daily prayer service, and a section is added to the blessing after meals.

Hanukkah is not a "Sabbath-like" holiday, and there is no obligation to refrain from activities that are forbidden on the Sabbath. Adherents go to work as usual, but may leave early in order to be home to kindle the lights at nightfall. Many families exchange gifts each night, and fried foods are eaten.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Reading and reporting about France in World Geo, pp 302 - 308

Taylor's in France
Originally uploaded by trudeau
1. Quick, if large, sketch: France and her 7 neighbors (include Britain). With color, labels and title.
2. 'Tis a hexagonal nation. Is America a parallelogram or a trapezoid?
3. Name the 3 bordering bodies of salt water and label them on your map.
4. Which 2 neighbors are reached by crossing mountains? Name the 2 ranges. Add them to the map.
5. The French are self-conscious - they have a strong national identity.
Which would you say has a stronger identity - Louisiana, Mississippi or Texas? Back your answer with a briefly stated example.
6. Compare the location of NYC to that of Paris.
7. The French believe that the best wines come from grapes grown in the richest soil. T / F
8. Compare Mt Blanc to Mt Whitney in 2 ways.
9. There are 2 names for the Mediterranean region of France - around Canne, Nice and St Tropez: the __ and the _ _ _ .
10. I would like to try a bowl of hot Marseille in a restaurant in the coastal city of Bouillabaisse. T / F
11. This river connects Switzerland, France, Germany and the Netherlands: __. Add it to your map.
12. The ancient Celtic peoples called the Gauls were defeated and civilized by the __ .
13. Charles the Major, aka the conqueror and king, is also known as __ .
14. As a wine merchant, would you have rather lived in France before or after 1789? Explain briefly.
15. A certain number of Frenchmen grow up speaking German. T / F
16. The nation's most famous museum: a) Tour Eiffel b) la Louvre
c) Palais de Trianon d) Arc de Triomphe.
17. When a country nationalizes a business, that means the government takes up the ownership and administration of that business. Ex: the US Postal Service.
Across the world, nationalized industries include airlines, train systems and banks.
What is the opposite action? That is, when the government transfers ownership of a business to the private sector. ____ .

Due Th/Fri. 5 pts.

Indie work: Make a Quiche Lorraine to be sampled by your classmates

Quiche Lorraine
Originally uploaded by Philosopher Queen
In French cuisine, a quiche is a baked dish that is based on a custard made from eggs and milk or cream in a pastry crust.

Other ingredients such as cooked chopped meat, vegetables, or cheese are often added to the egg mixture before the quiche is baked.

Quiche is generally an open pie (i.e. does not contain a pastry covering), but may include an arrangement of tomato slices or pastry off-cuts for a decorative finish. Quiche can be eaten warm but is more commonly eaten cold, making it a suitable component of the food served in a typical summer picnic.

Your teacher recommends that you make 2 (9 inch) quiche pies: 1 for your family and 1 to serve in class. Quiche is quick and easy; there are many recipes to choose from.

Bring a printed list of your ingredients, si'l vous plait.
10 pts.

One of man's most ancient sources of protein: escargots

Escargot is a dish of cooked land snails, usually served as an appetizer.

Escargot, is the French word for snail.

Snail shells have been found in archaeological Texas, an indication that snails have been eaten since prehistoric times [3][4]

The Romans, in particular, are known to have considered escargot as an elite food, as noted in the writings of Pliny.

In Western culture, typically the snails are removed from their shells, gutted, cooked (usually with garlic butter or chicken stock) and then poured back into the shells together with the butter and sauce for serving, often on a plate with several shell-sized depressions.

Additional ingredients may be added such as garlic, thyme, parsley and pine nuts. Special snail tongs (for holding the shell) and snail forks (for extracting the meat) are also normally provided. And French bread is useful in soaking up the sauce.

The French and advanced technology

Illustrate these notes in your notebook:

Top six technological achievements of the French -
1. Mirage jet sold to air forces across the world.
2. AIDS research considered outstanding (Two French scientists who discovered the AIDS virus and a German who found the virus that causes cervical cancer were awarded the 2008 Nobel prize for medicine or physiology on Monday).
3. Michelin, Peugot, Citroen, Renault: the French are strong in autos and tires. The word - automobile - is French.
4. Nuclear power plants, solar and hydroelectric power plants provides most French electricity.
5. Auguste and Louis Lumiere were pioneers in motion pictures in 1895.
6. High-speed train: the TGV.

Western Europe / France / Monuments of Paris project

Monuments of Paris project

Sketching the landmarks of Paris is one way of establishing this city in your mind and memory.

a) Sketch, color and label the Seine R, including the Ile de Paris ( an island in the river).
b) Sketch, color and cut out (with tabs) the 4 monuments (all to be completed in your notebook).
c) Glue the monuments' tabs to the page in the appropriate location.
d) Print 4 brief items of info next to each of the monuments.
e) Add a small, colorful map of France. Identify neighbors Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain.
e) Top the page with a snappy title and explanatory subtitle.

18 pts.
Deadline on Thurs/Fri.

I suggest these as the most significant monuments -

1. Le Tour Eiffel.
The Eiffel Tower (French: Tour Eiffel, [tuʀ ɛfɛl]) is a 19th century iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. The Eiffel Tower, which is the tallest building in Paris,[10] is the single most visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch for the 1889 World's Fair.

The tower stands at 324 m (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-story building. It was the tallest structure in the world from its completion until 1930, when it was eclipsed by the Chrysler Building in New York City.

2. The Palais du Louvre
The Musée du Louvre is one of the world's largest museums, the most visited museum in the world, and a historic monument. It is a central landmark of Paris, France and is located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st arrondissement (district). Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century are on exhibit.

The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace (Palais du Louvre) which began as a fortress built in the late 12th century under Philip II. The building was extended many times to form the present Louvre Palace. In 1672, Louis XIV moved to the Palace of Versailles with his household, leaving the Louvre primarily as a place to display the royal collection.[3] During the French Revolution, the National Assembly decreed that the Louvre should be used as a museum, to display the nation's masterpieces.

3. Notre Dame de Paris
Notre Dame de Paris (in English: Our Lady of Paris), also known as Notre Dame Cathedral, is a Gothic, Roman Catholic cathedral on the Île de la Cité. It was built during the 1100's and 1200's.

Notre Dame de Paris was among the first buildings in the world to use the flying buttress (arched exterior supports). The building was not originally designed to include the flying buttresses around the choir and nave. After the construction began and the thinner walls (popularized in the Gothic style) grew ever higher, stress fractures began to occur as the walls pushed outward. In response, the cathedral's architects built supports around the outside walls, and later additions continued the pattern.

4. Arc de Triomphe
The Arc de Triomphe (built 1810 - 1840) is a monument in Paris that stands in the centre of the Place Charles de Gaulle, also known as the "Place de l'Étoile".[1] It is at the western end of the Champs-Élysées. The triumphal arch honors those who fought for France, particularly during the Napoleonic Wars.

It is the second largest triumphal arch in existence.[2] Its design was inspired by the Roman Arch of Titus.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Nature trail hike on the perimeter of the Magnet campus

A teacher's point of view in regards the Magnet campus:

- North is the ridge which is the site for the VA Hospital and the Civil War era fortification called Fort Humbug. The cannons were bogus.

- West is the Stoner Hill neighborhood.

- East is the remains of the Bayou Pierre river bottom. Environmental advocate Jon Soul has identified the wooded area as a nature trail, historic trail (the site of pioneer Larkin Edwards' trading post, the first European site in the area) and educational resource. Montessori students have identified trees and shrubs on the trail as well as the birds that populate the area.

- South is the Coates Bluff/Olive St ridge. In this area is a historic cemetery - though one not maintained. The oak-covered hills and valleys constitute a hardwood bottomland.

- Adjacent to the tennis courts is a pottery class pit for firing pots in the Japanese, which is called Raku.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Weather permitting, classes will take an instructional nature walk on Fri

Magnet geography
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Wear appropriate shoes, dear geography students, so that we can easily walk the entire campus tomorrow. There will be lessons at every intersection.

The overall theme will be the beauty of the outdoors. Hiking is a stress reliever and a positive step in your education.

Learning the map of the UK via symbols

Magnet geography: the UK
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Symbols may be effective learning tools, so allow me to suggest images that will connect with regions and the history of the UK.

- Northern Ireland: the HMS Titanic, which was built in the city of Belfast, N. Ireland.
- Ireland: The Guinness Book of World records - and a pint of black Guinness beer.
- Scotland: the green, cup, flag and driver used in a game of golf.
- England: the Rolls Royce, one of the great luxury cars.
- Wales: a British castle - built to control the rebellious Welsh forces.
- France: the helmet-wearing William of Normandy, aka Wm the Conqueror.
- Belgium: french fries; the Belgians and Dutch probably preceded the French in frying potato strips, says Wikipedia.
- Netherlands: a bicycle, because they are so widely used as daily transportation in Holland.
-Germany: the Volkswagen Beetle, a revolutionary little car created by Dr. Ferdinand Porsche at the request of German Chancellor Adolph Hitler.

- Roman Empire: a large building that suggests a Public Bathhouse.
Throughout the empire the Romans built baths as they did amphitheaters and fortresses.
- The Romans called England "Britannia." They called Ireland "Hibernia."
- Anglo-Saxons: for the Germanic tribes who were the first Celtic peoples of England I offer a giant oak tree, which was a typical spot for Druid-led worship of these pre-Christian peoples.
- Latin language: Roman numerals. Also, the quote from Julius Caesar: "Veni, vidi, vici." "I came, I saw, I conquered."
- Roman Catholic Church: a Gothic cathedral.
- William of Normandy: the Tower of London, built by him in 1066.
- British Empire: a globe, because the British controlled lands all across the world. It was said, "The sun never sets on the British Empire."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Yankee states and the Big Apple test / Trudeau

Originally uploaded by trudeau
The Yankee states and the Big Apple / Trudeau
All answers may be found in online notes, textbook and/or class notes and atlas.

1. One of these universities is not in the NE: a) Stanford b) Harvard c) NYU d) Dartmouth.
2. New England is a series of NE states that include a) Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey b) Rhode Is, Connecticut, Delaware c) Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York d) Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Is.
3. At Mondotrudeau we see that the birthplace of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution and the Continental Congress was a) Philadelphia
b) New York City c) Boston d) Washington, DC.
4. The megalopolis of the NE comprises a) Washington, DC, to Boston b) Florida to Maine c) Baltimore through Philadelphia to New York City
5. "That clam chowder is buttery and sweet! I just have to say 'PNVNM!'"
a) Geico ad b) pneumonic c) PA to ME d) He must be from Boston because he likes bland seafood!
6. "The stainless steel cladding is ribbed and riveted in a radiating sunburst pattern with many triangular vaulted windows." a) World Trade Center b) Chrysler Bldg.
c) Empire State Bldg. d) Rockefeller Center.
7. Lies between Queens and Connecticut: a) Long Is. Sound b) East R.
c) Hudson R. d) NY harbor.
8. The run-down Manhattan neighborhood in which many poor immigrants (notably East European Jews, Italians and Chinese) got their start is the a) Upper West Side b) the Midtown area
c) the Lower East Side d) SoHo.
9. Four of the boroughs are located on islands. Name the two that share space on one island. a) Bronx, Queens
b) Brooklyn, Queens c) Queens, Long Island d) Brooklyn, Long Island.
10. In NY harbor are famous islands such as Liberty Island, Governor's Island and one small island which was a center for immigration: a) Ellis Is. b) Rikers Is. c) Hudson Is. d) Roosevelt Is.
11. The European explorer given credit for first examining NY harbor was a) Peter Minuit b) Giovanni Verrazzano c) Henry Hudson d) Duke of York.
12. The earliest site of European settlement in NYC is at the __ tip of Manhattan. a) Southern b) Northern c) Eastern d) Western.
13. Influential, wealthy part of Manhattan: a) Upper East Side b) Lower East Side c) Little Italy
d) Harlem.
14. The Erie Canal connects Lake Ontario, near Buffalo, to Albany, which is on the Hudson R. T / F
15. The Erie Canal created a connection to the Atlantic Ocean for only four of the Great lakes. T / F
16. The Erie Canal is associated with a) James Clinton Erie b) Tim Berners-Lee c) Henry Hudson d) DeWitt Clinton.
17. The triangular landmark in Mid-town Manhattan: a) Times Square b) Rockefeller Center c) Chrysler Bldg
d) United Nations HQ
18. Neighborhood northeast of Central Park: a) SoHo b) Harlem c) Upper West Side d) Chinatown.
19. Not an island in NY harbor: a) Ellis b) Liberty c) Staten d) Coney.

Small group tutoring - Writer's Workshop on Thurs after school

Hollie Horton, Shreveport
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Need more points?

Would you benefit from a bit of individual attention to your writing?

Writer's Workshop is an after-school session - on Thursdays - in which student and teacher work together to decide upon a writing topic. Because it is a small group, your teacher gets to help you develop your technique and thinking as well as grammar and construction.

The student will see how many points were earned before leaving.

The session will be done PDQ: no more than 30 minutes!

More info:

Indie essays on England

Research and compare - acc to the class guidelines -

- Rolls Royce and Cadillac
- William of Normandy and Henry VIII
- Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria
- Beatles and Pink Floyd
- Rugby and Cricket

Norton Commando 850 / British motorcycles

British motorcycle companies
- Triumph
- Norton

British auto manufacturers
- Jaguar
- Rolls Royce
- Land Rover
- Lotus
- Mini (Morris Mini)
- Bentley
- Austin (Austin-Healey)
- MG
- Aston Martin

England was part of the Roman Empire; they called it Britannia

In the textbook, World Geography, we read - on pp 278-279 - about the Spread of the English Language.

In our outline I asked each student to sketch a symbol to accompany each of the following -

1. Roman Empire (Triumphal arch, the Roman god Janus, etc)

2. Latin language (Roman numerals, a monk-scholar)

3. Roman Catholic Church (a medieval cathedral from the text book)

4. Anglo-Saxons (tree around which they worshipped, hooded Druid)

5. William of Normandy (Tower of London, built by William)

6. The English language (portrait of Shakespeare, Globe Theater)

Map of principal cities -
- London
- Oxford
- Cambridge
- Liverpool
- Manchester
- Edinburgh, Scotland
- Dublin, Ireland

Iron & steam: the Industrial Revolution began in England

The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport, and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions starting in the United Kingdom, then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world.

The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in human history; almost every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced in some way.

Most notably, average income and population began to exhibit unprecedented sustained growth. In the two centuries following 1800, the world's average per capita income increased over 10-fold, while the world's population increased over 6-fold.[2] In the words of Nobel Prize winning Robert E. Lucas, Jr., "For the first time in history, the living standards of the masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth. ... Nothing remotely like this economic behavior has happened before."[3]

Starting in the later part of the 18th century there began a transition in parts of Great Britain's previously manual labour and draft-animal–based economy towards machine-based manufacturing. It started with the mechanization of the textile industries, the development of iron-making techniques and the increased use of refined coal.[4] Trade expansion was enabled by the introduction of canals, improved roads and railways.[5]

The introduction of steam power fuelled primarily by coal, wider utilisation of water wheels and powered machinery (mainly in textile manufacturing) underpinned the dramatic increases in production capacity.[6] The development of all-metal machine tools in the first two decades of the 19th century facilitated the manufacture of more production machines for manufacturing in other industries.

The effects spread throughout Western Europe and North America during the 19th century, eventually affecting most of the world, a process that continues as industrialisation. The impact of this change on society was enormous.[7]

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The modern history of the United Kingdom, aka Great britain, aka England

Magnet geography: the UK
Originally uploaded by trudeau
The UK, says Wikipedia, has the world's sixth largest economy by nominal GDP and the sixth largest by purchasing power parity.

It was the world's first industrialised country[19] and the world's foremost power during the 19th and early 20th centuries,[20] but the economic and social cost of two world wars and the decline of its empire in the latter half of the 20th century diminished its leading role in global affairs.

The UK nevertheless remains a great power with leading economic, cultural, military, scientific and political influence. It is a recognised nuclear weapons state while its military expenditure ranks third or fourth in the world, depending on the method of calculation.[21]

The UK-led Industrial Revolution, in the late 1700's and early 1800's, transformed the country and fuelled the growing British Empire. During this time the UK, like other great powers, was involved in colonial exploitation, including the Atlantic slave trade, although with the passing of the Slave Trade Act in 1807 the UK took a leading role in combating the trade in slaves.[32]

After the defeat of France in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792–1815), the UK emerged as the principal naval and economic power of the 19th century (with London the largest city in the world from about 1830 to 1930)[33] and remained a foremost power into the mid 20th century.[34]

Beside Russia, France and (after 1917) the USA, the British were one of the major powers opposing Germany and its allies in World War I (1914–18).[35]

The nation suffered an estimated two and a half million casualties and finished the war with a huge national debt.[36] After the war the United Kingdom received the League of Nations mandate over former German and Ottoman colonies and the British Empire had expanded to its greatest extent, covering a fifth of the world's land surface and a quarter of its population.[37]

The Great Depression (1929–32) broke out at a time when the UK was still far from having recovered from the effects of the war and led to hardship and political and social unrest.[38]

The United Kingdom was one of the three main Allies of World War II. Following the defeat of its European allies in the first year of the war, the United Kingdom continued the fight against Germany, which took form in these years with the Battle of Britain.

After the victory, the UK was one of the Big Three powers that met to plan the postwar world. The war left the United Kingdom financially damaged. However, Marshall Aid and loans taken from both the United States and Canada helped the UK on the road to recovery.[39]