Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Each student team follows a nation this semester

- The class will benefit from the student teams that follow a nation.
- You may choose to do an online scrapbook or a folder / physical scrapbook.
- Three students per team.
- Report to the class at the end of each nine weeks.
- News items must be edited to brief, simplified stories.

Report includes
- Politics: type of govt and issues being faced.
- Businesses: names and brief descriptions of leading companies, esp ones recognized by Americans.
- Cuisine: what they like to eat. Also, issues related to producing their food and to their diet.
- Music: their favorite types of music, names of singers, etc.
- Terrain of an outstanding nature.
- Weather and climate and issues that relate to climate.
- Celebrities and why they are notable.
- Artists and their famous works, whether writers, painters, sculptors, choreographers or composers.
- Recycling and energy conservation projects.