Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Dallas Museum of Art / West Africa

African gold mines
diamond mines / DeBeers Co.
Ashanti tribe
Youssou n ’Dour
Atlantic slave trade Europeans
Atlantic slave trade Africans
King Mansa Musa
King Ibn Battuta
Ethiopian Christianity
Timbuktu / Toumbouctou
W. Af. gold mines
Nubia & the historic Nubians
Egyptians: Pharaoh Ramses II, Ramses the Great
Exploration of the Nile
Nigeria / oil
Morocco / crossroads
Swahili / Lion King
Gates Foundation activities in Africa
AIDS in Africa
South Africa
Mt Kilimanjaro
rift valley of East Africa
Origin of man in Africa
Cuisine of West Africa, esp. fu fu, cous cous, peanut stew

Studying the continent of Africa, continent of Africa: the map

Map of the continent of Africa, continent of Africa, with a focus on East Africa -

Regions of the continent of Africa, continent of Africa:
1. Mediterranean/Arabic Africa (Morocco to Egypt along the Mediterranean)
2. East Africa (Egypt to South Africa along the Indian Ocean)
3. Sub-Saharan Africa (below the Sahara)
4. West Africa (from Morocco to South Africa on the Atlantic coast)

The initial map of the continent of Africa, continent of Africa -

1. Enormous influence on US culture: music (jazz, blues, r & b, gospel, rap), dance (jazz), cuisine (gumbo, fried chicken), vocabulary ( rock n’ roll, jazz, etc), though population is relatively small (about 12% US).
2. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: giving billions to disease control & eradication in Africa (AIDS, malaria, etc).
3. Coltan, diamonds & oil: resources needed in the present and future (coltan used in mini-batteries, such as in cell phones).

On the map of the continent (RMQRWA, p. 40):
1. Atlantic
2. Morocco (“How do you see all there is to see in Morocco?” “See it twice.”)
3. Senegal (guitar & dancer)
4. Liberia (African-Americans)
5. Nigeria (oil derrick)
6. South Africa (diamonds, gold)
7. Kenya (“Lion King,” Disney’s Animal Kingdom)
8. Sudan (guns crossed: civil war)
9. Somalia (Al qaeda terrorists)
10. Ethiopia (Christian cross)
11. Egypt (mask of Tutankhamun)
12. Mediterranean
13. Red Sea
14. Indian Ocean
15. Sahara (Arabic: “desert”)

British gold coin of 1600’s, 1700’s: a Guinea (worth 20 or 30 shillings): made from gold from West African mines.


The course of the Nile:
* the Blue Nile rises in Ethiopia.
* the White Nile or Mountain Nile rises in Uganda; the source is lake Victoria.
* the Blue and White Niles join in Khartoum, Sudan.
* flows northward to Egypt; empties into the Med.

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