Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A small quiz on the 50th state, Hawaii

1. Hawaii is: _. a) tectonic plate b) oceanography c) Pacific peninsula
d) archipelago.
2. Oahu is the largest of the Hawaiian islands. T / F
3. The largest city and capital is a) Honolulu b) Hilo c) Lahaina d) Pearl City.
4. Pearl Harbor is located in a) Honolulu b) Hilo c) Lahaina d) Pearl City.
5. Though Hawaii was built on volcanic land masses, erosion has leveled the island chain so that its elevation is similar to Louisiana. T / F
6. On the grid Hawaii is about 24 degrees __ of the equator. a) north b) south
c) east d) west.
7. The state is about 165 degrees __ of Greenwich. a) north b) south
c) east d) west.
8. Hawaii has been a US state for some a) 50 b) 100 c) 170 years.
9. Seen from Japan the US island is a) northwest b) northeast c) southwest
d) southeast.