Teaching coordinates and Spaceship Earth
1. Color, cut and paste globes of lat. and long. from p. 5, textbook.
- Identify sample coordinates; see the terms parallel and meridian.
- Use the globes as part of your Spaceship Earth Teaching Project.
2. Great Circle route sketches, p 6.
3. What's distorted on a Mercator projection? Is a Robinson projection
more accurate than a Mercator? Why?
4. Making our own Atlantic Hurricane Tracking map
- refer to WG, p. 28 and p. 63. Identify -
S America
North Amer
Gulf Stream
North Atlantic Current
Canary Current
Equatorial Current (N Equatorial and S Equatorial)
Read about the Coriolis Effect on prevailing winds.
5 themes of geography . . .
Location of the people? Manhattan
Character of the place? Island at confluence of
Interaction of people and the place?
Movement of people, goods and ideas?
Comparison of places: how are they similar and how different?