Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Rosa Parks & Martin Luther King, Jr, in the civil rights movement.

Sample questions for the open notes quiz on Wed, Jan 17. That quiz will also cover notes on Japan.

1. MLK birthplace: a) Atlanta b) Memphis c) Charleston
2. PhD was awarded after study at a) Harvard b) Boston U. c) Johns Hopkins U.
3. First pastorate: a) Selma b) Jacksonville c) Montgomery.
4. First leadership of a boycott: a) Selma b) Jacksonville c) Montgomery.
5. Rosa Parks bus incident: a) 1955 b) 1958 c) 1961.
6. Outcome of year-long Alabama bus boycott was a ruling against discriminatory practices in public transportation: a) legislation by Congress b) Supreme Court decision.
7. King’s plan of non-violence was derived from the teachings and practice of a) TE Lawrence b) MK Gandhi c) Abraham Lincoln.
8. King also adopted Gandhi’s style of quiet and civilized rebellion. It was called a) non-violent protest b) civil disobedience c) passive resistance.
9. King was head of the a) SNCC b) SCLC c) NAACP.
10. The FBI was able to quietly help protect MLK and give him aid when needed. T / F
11. Head of the FBI for some 49 years: a) Robert kennedy
b) J Edgar Hoover c) Joseph McCarthy d) Henry Truman.
12. Alfred Nobel won fame and fortune with the a) TNT b) LSD c) LCD d) ICBM.
13. Name the president who did not side with King until the March on Washington showed that MLK could draw together 250,000 people of all backgrounds. a) LBJ
b) JFK c) Richard Nixon.
14. The “I have a Dream” speech was delivered in a) 1960 b) 1963 c) 1965.
15. King was murdered at age a) 36 b) 39 c) 41.
16. The Supreme Court decision most important to King’s work was one that ruled against one type of segregation:
a) jobs b) public transportation c) schools d) housing.
17. Unfair discrimination in housing and jobs was prohibited by the a) Civil Rights Act of 1964 b) Voting Rights Act of 1965.
18. Congressional bills against racist practice in 1964 and 1965 were pushed by President a) Kennedy b) Nixon
c) Johnson.

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