Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sailing on the highest & lowest lakes on earth takes us to Israel and Peru

me on a Laser 2
Originally uploaded by ndrwfgg.
Sailing is becoming a lost art - especially in a city away from the coast. Lake sailing is less comfortable than coastal sailing but is a pleasure nonetheless.

Tacking is what students must know about the ancient form of transportation. Tacking means zig-zagging so that the boat can sail "into the wind" or "against the wind."

Knowledge of the airfoil and wind speed and pressure is also helpful background in understanding sailing and history.

To learn sailing, get a book, get a friend with a sailboat. Go out on Cross Lake and learn by doing it.

The lowest body of water on earth: the Dead Sea, Israel. One of the highest is Lake Titicaca, in the Andes Mts. Titicaca lies on the border between Peru and Bolivia.

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