Sunday, September 10, 2006

Independent essay writing? Find guidelines on Aug 8 post

Negotiating a blog can be difficult in the beginning, I know. Sorry. In defense of my choice of class web site type, I must say it's a) free b) easy for the author, especially in adding photos, and blogs are c) the way of the world. Political analysis, pop culture, general news and journals are routinely posted on the scrolling format. Alas, you might as well get used to it.

One important item to know: many older posts are hidden because they are tucked into the Archives. Please go to the A r c h i v e s right now. Please click on August.

Now you will see that our class material goes back to Aug 2. There you will see guidelines on comparison essays. While you also have a Handout Sheet with that info, this is a good backup.

Class web sites from a teacher like me can be f u l l of material. They're sort of like a teacher-written text. And they have to be read regularly so you will not be lost when it's time to find material. First year students are not necessarily attuned to such practice. It's one more thing to recognize and learn.

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