Monday, September 18, 2006

Practice for the Thur quiz and notes on Islam

Petra, Jordan. 4/2006.
Originally uploaded by chet gordon.
Here's a sample of the questions to be asked Thur on the open notes, mutl-choice test of about 20 items (nor must you forget the map quiz Tues):

1. City known as a French-influenced liberal tourist center on the Mediterranean:
a) Cairo b) Beirut c) Jerusalem d) Damascus
2. Giza is a small Egyptian municipality with an enormous and ancient tourist attraction. Giza is near a) Cairo b) Alexandria c) Jerusalem d) Beirut.
3. Minarets are towers that are built alongside a mosque. From the minaret Muslims are called to a) Jihad b) prayer c) Islam d) muezzin.
4. Terrorists of 9/11/01 were mostly from Egypt and mostly well-educated family men. T / F
5. Location of the World Trade Center: a) Lower Manhattan b) Upper Brooklyn c) Lower Queens d) Upper bronx.
6. The dr’bkke or doumbek is a Middle eastern instrument of this type: a) drum b) tambourine c) fiddle d) lute.
7. Steve Irwin resided near a) Sydney b) Brisbane
c) Perth d) Cairns
8. Irwin’s death was caused by a collison with a single
a) crocodile b) sting ray c) sea snake d) platypus.
9. Nickname for Australia: a) Aussieland b) Uluru
c) Digeridoo d) Oz.
10. Great Barrier Reef composition: a) algae b) coral
c) seaweeds d) rock.
11. The most authentic of digeridoo players: a) diggers
b) Aussies c) aborigines d) Outbackers.
12. The arid central/western region of Australia: a) Outback b) Gold Coast c) Uluru d) Blue Mountains.
13. Major city that lies quite close to 30N, 30E: a) Jerusalem b) Cairo c) Beirut d) Istanbul.
14. Saudi Arabia, principally a vast desert, has no major bodies of water and one range of Eastern mountains. T / F
15. Based on terrain, name the nation that will have the most rainfall: a) Yemen b) Oman c) UAE d) Kuwait.


Notes from Sept 16
Islam . . .

Prayer five times a day. At dawn: “prayer is better than sleep...” also at noon, afternoon, evening and nighttime.

Mosque: center of worship as well as a community center (fellowship, food, lessons, etc).

Minarets: towers from which emanates the call to prayer.

Friday: day of special devotion & sermons.

In the mosque: courtyard & fountain
- ablutions: ritual washing of hands & feet
- no shoes
- lamps & rugs & pulpit
- screen to separate women’s area / modesty

Koran / Qu’ran
Islam: submission to the will of God.
Muslim: one who submits.
Qu’ran: suicide forbidden.
Infidel! one who does not believe in God.
Jihad: holy war of conquest (see Crusades). Created an Islamic Empire.

Byzantium/Constantinople/Istanbul: ancient city on the Black Sea which has been Roman, Christian and, today, Muslim.

bene “good” (Latin)
dicte “speaking”
benediction - a blessing.

Petra, Jordan: elaborate buildings carved into rock cliff.
petr oleum: “rock” “oil”

1.Beirut 2. Cairo 3. prayer 4. T 5. Lower Manhattan 6. drum
7. Brisbane 8. sting ray 9. Oz 10. coral 11. Aborigines
12. Outback 13. Cairo 14. F 15. Yemen.
What was your score?

Independent work . . .
Research and compare (both sims & difs)
a) falconry and camel racing.
b) the nations of Yemen and Saudi Arabia.
c) the Arabian horse and the Mustang.
d) yogurt and the date - of the date palm.
e) Ibn Battuta and Ibn Saud.
f) Compose a skit (group project) that will bring to life the biographies and teaching of Abraham, Muhammad and Jesus of Nazareth. You may be lighthearted but not blasphemous.

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