Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Qin Shi Huang's China

Qin Shi Huang's China
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Qin Shi Huang Di quiz 1

1. The life of Shi Huang Di: a) 1200 BCE b) 200 BCE c) 200 AD d) fictitious.
2. Shi Huang Di’s version of the Great Wall was called a “precursor” to the later Great Wall. Precursor means
a) small version b) earlier example c) moveable pointer
3. Tomb: a) monument b) mound c) subterranean
d) mausoleum.
4. As an audacious autocrat the First Emperor burned and banned writing by __. a) Lao Tzu b) Tao c) Confucius d) Buddha.
5. The importance of his reign is intact after 2 millennium. That would be some a) 200 b) 2 thousand c) 2 million years.
6. Huangdi was a title created for the First Emperor based upon a) mythical greats b) ancient rulers c) his family
d) warriors.
7. When a youth becomes king he usually has a wise and powerful member of the court who acts as his guide to decision-making. That person’s title? a) proxy b) consort c) regent d) caretaker.
8. Shi Huang Di’s period of rule was preceded by the period known as a) Warring states b) Confucian c) Primitive d) Troubles.
9. Shi Huang Di unified China economically by standardizing the Chinese units of measurements such as weights and measures, the currency, the length of the axles of carts (so every cart could run smoothly in the ruts of the new roads). He was not able to upgrade the legal system. T / F
10. What was his most important reform, according to Wikipedia?
a) silk b) currency c) writing d) elephants.
11. Shi Huang Di seriously sought the elixir of life, a magical potion which reputedly would enable immortality.
What is an elixir? a) health-giving drink b) magical cape or hat c) a pool of magical water d) hallucinogenic drug.
12. The huge terra cotta army buried with Shi Huang Di lies near which city? a) Beijing b) Shanghai c) Xi’an d) Hong Kong.
1. b 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. b 6. 7. c 8. a 9. F 10. c 11. a 12. c

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