Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Mid East map quiz next class!

Originally uploaded by pussinflipflops - catching up
8 nations:
- Egypt
- Israel / Palestine
- Jordan
- Saudi Arabia
- Yemen
- Iraq
- Lebanon
- Syria

2 continents
1 peninsula
5 bodies of water
- Mediterranean (you must spell it correctly)
- Red Sea
- Persian Gulf
- Arabian Sea
- Indian Ocean

This will be a multiple choice quiz but Without notes! Memorization, just as in a map quiz.

The Lawrence odyssey:

1. Lawrence's home nation: __.
2. L traveled to the Mid East on ship (1914) and went through 2 bodies of water: Atlantic and Med.
3. To a Mid Eastern capital city: __.
4. And another transit via a sea: __ .
5. To a great peninsula: __.
6. To lead an Arab force through an "uncrossable" desert: __.
7. To an attack upon a coastal city held by the Turks: __.