Planning a nature hike for geography students - during each of my 4 geography classes - on the Coates Bluff Nature Trail, adjacent to Magnet campus. Tentative dates: Tues, March 1 and Wed, March 2.
Parent chaperones are needed to walk with us.
Since I have walked the trail numerous times I can tell you that the path is well trodden; there is no danger aside from tripping over vines on the leafy trail. We recommend wearing long sleeved garments and pants. Cameras and binoculars are welcome.
Please email me,, or meet me at Magnet on my planning period: 10 am - 11:15 am.
The trail begins at the gate in the SE corner of the Magnet / Valencia Park fence - adjacent to the softball field. I plan to have a school bus meet us to take the group back to Magnet.