Monday, August 08, 2005

Learning styles: what's your favorite way to be successful at school?

Learning painting at ATA
Originally uploaded by trudeau.

Learning Styles Enquiry / Trudeau / CMHS

Which learning styles styles seem best in describing you?

1) Write a description of a class or project in which you were successful. Be specific; in other words, use examples or visual scenes.
2) Afterwards, write about the connection between your self-description and the learning styles below. Several may apply. Include a connection to the visual/kinesthetic/auditory styles, too.
3) Use your best grammar and spelling. Also, neatness counts.
4) Write a polished copy ay home. Have a parent sign it, please!

Style One: learns by doing, doesn’t necessarily like deep thinking, is spontaneous; often creative; does not like sitting still looking at books; prefers games, competitions, short presentations.
Style Two: likes clear, structured, well organized tasks; wants everything done in order; wants “just the facts not opinions, thank you.” Enjoys textbooks and works well with traditionally styled curriculum; has to work at being creative, but it is not necessarily a chore; not naturally spontaneous, and tends to be cautious.
Style Three: is a problem-solver, self-motivated, analyzes things, often prefers logical subjects like math and science; works well independently; enjoys long-term projects. Seems to work well with organized lectures as part of their curriculum.
Style Four: is very social, maybe even a “social butterfly” type thriving on personal interaction with many different people. Interested in people, ideas and principles of a subject, not necessarily the events themselves. Has to work at organization. They are often vulnerable to conflict and criticism. “Why” is a very important question to them.

Visual -- receives information best through visual stimulation (i.e., pictures, diagrams, reading)
Kinesthetic -- receives information best through touch and hands-on activities (i.e., craft projects, cuisenaire rods, science labs)
Auditory -- receives information best via “sound bytes” (i.e., lectures, songs, books on tape)

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