Sunday, August 28, 2005

Student tools: an info transfer tool called a flash drive

Whether called a flash drive, jump drive or USB drive, this tiny device is replacing the diskette. Why?
1) More stable.
2) Few limitations on storage space.
3) Hardy; they last year after year.
4) Economical in the long run.
5) Also may be used to store photos and mp3's.

More alternative names: pen drives, thumb drives and USB keys.

The Dane-Elec 64 mb model in the photo is avail. from at $15.

See more on the guts of a jump drive at

The original was developed by IBM. I'm guessing that it came out of the IBM Almaden Research Center near San Jose, CA. What region? Silicon Valley, of course.

1 comment:

Robert E Trudeau said...

Killy Chavez, who works at the MD Anderson med center in Houston, writes: "all the docs at the hospital have tiny usb drives. the docs carry and use them with the same pride that a eighties businessman wielded his business card. seeing that most of them keep all their important documents (ppt presentations, word docs, pathology images, etc...) on them, it's easy to understand why they are so skittish when they hand them off to me ..."