Geography study guide / Trudeau
Mapping basics
1. The coordinates of this famous American city are approximately 40N, 74W. This must refer to:
a) Denver b) San Diego c) London d) Philadelphia.
2. On a Mercator map which is more distorted? a) Ecuador b) Chile.
3. On a flat Mercator map you see a route that seems to be curved rather than straight across. The curved line does not represent a Great Circle route; it represents a Robinson projection. T / F
4. The source of the Mississippi is Lake a) Titicaca b) Superior
c) Michigan d) Itasca.
Famous cities:
5. 40N, 74W
6. 32N, 35E
7. 32S, 19E
8. 34S, 150E
9. 30N, 90W
10. The region associated with the earliest use of math and mapping: a) Babylonia b) Mesopotamia c) Egypt d) Greece.
11. Greenwich, England, is home to the a) equator b) prime meridian c) oldest section of London.
12. Pythagoras and the grid system are associated with a) Greece b) Egypt c) Mesopotamia.
13. Louisiana is usually thought of as having a place in the __ Hemisphere. a) Eastern b) Western c) Southern d) Cerebral.
14. Use your text to find the coordinate that is described as 0 degrees, 0 minutes and 0 seconds.
It is the a) equator b) prime meridian c) both the equator and prime meridian.
15. Cartographer: a) Vespucci b) diCaprio c) Columbus d) McNally.
16. The Red River flows through or adjacent to the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Mississippi. T / F
answers . . .
1. Philadelphia
2. Chile
3. F
4. Itasca
5. Philadelphia
6. Jerusalem, Israel
7. Cape Town, South Africa
8. Sydney, Australia
9. New Orleans
10. Greece
11. prime meridian
12. Greece
13. Western
14. both
16. F
What city lies at 39N, 116E?
a) Seoul, S. Korea
b) Shanghai, China
c) Beijing, China
d) Denver, Co
Current Overview
1 ) S t o r m s s e e m l a r g e r t h a n u s u a l i n r e c e n t y e a r s . A c c o r d i n g t o N a t i o n a l G e o g r a p h i c , s c i e n t i s t s l a r g e l y a t t r i b u t e t h i s t o a ) c o a s t a l e r o s i o n b ) l o s s o f b a r r i e r i s l a n d s c ) c h a n g e s i n o c e a n c u r r e n t s s u c h a s t h e G u l f S t r e a m d ) g l o b a l w a r m i n g .
N a m e t h e l a r g e c i t y c l o s e s t t o :
2 ) 4 0 N , 7 4 W
3 ) 3 2 N , 3 5 E
4 ) 3 0 S , 2 0 E
5 ) 3 5 S , 1 5 0 E
6 ) 3 0 E , 9 0 W
7 ) T h e r e g i o n a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e e a r l i e s t u s e o f m a t h a n d m a p p i n g : a ) B a b y l o n i a b ) M e s o p o t a m i a c ) E g y p t d ) G r e e c e .
8 ) G r e e n w i c h , E n g l a n d , i s h o m e t o t h e a ) e q u a t o r b ) p r i m e m e r i d i a n c ) o l d e s t s e c t i o n o f L o n d o n .
9 ) P y t h a g o r a s a n d t h e g r i d s y s t e m a r e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a ) G r e e c e b ) E g y p t c ) M e s o p o t a m i a .
1 0 ) T h i s a n c i e n t r e g i o n w a s n o t m e n t i o n e d i n n o t e s o n t h e h i s t o r y o f c a r t o g r a p h y , b u t i t i s o n e o f t h e r e g i o n s d e s i g n a t e d a C r a d l e o f C i v i l i z a t i o n . W e m a y g u e s s t h a t t h e i r a c h i e v e m e n t s i n m a p m a k i n g w e r e a l s o s i g n i f i c a n t .
a ) C h i n a b ) R o m e , I t a l y c ) A z t e c s , M e x i c o C i t y d ) C o n s t a n t i n o p l e .
1 1 ) C a l l e d t h e F a t h e r o f g e o g r a p h y f o r h i s b o o k G e o g r a p h i a , t h i s s c h o l a r w a s a n a n c i e n t G r e e k : a ) P l a t o b ) H e r o d o t u s c ) P y t h a g o r a s d ) A r i s t o t l e .
1 2 ) C a l l e d t h e m o s t a n c i e n t c i t y o f t h e W e s t e r n w o r l d : a ) B a b y l o n b ) C a i r o
c ) A l e x a n d r i a d ) U r .
1 3 ) W r i t e t h e g r i d c o o r d i n a t e s f o r I s t a n b u l ( f o r m e r l y C o n s t a n t i n o p l e ) .
1 4 ) S o m e t i m e s t h e w o r l d f i g h t s o v e r e t h n o c e n t r i c c o n c e r n s ( i e , t h e G e r m a n s w a n t e d t o t a k e o v e r m o s t o f E u r o p e b e c a u s e t h e y d e s e r v e d i t , s a i d H i t l e r ) a n d s o m e t i m e s i t s i m p l y a c c e p t s t h e m .
I n o n e o r t w o s e n t e n c e s d e s c r i b e a s i t u a t i o n i n w h i c h t h e w o r l d h a s q u i e t l y a c c e p t e d a n e t h n o c e n t r i c t e r m a n d d e s c r i b e t h e n o n - e t h n o c e n t r i c a l t e r n a t i v e t o t h a t t e r m . ( 2 p t s . )
A n s w e r s : g e o g r a p h y / c a r t o g r a p h y
1 . d g l o b a l w a r m i n g
2 . 4 0 N , 7 4 W : N Y C ; t h a t s i n g l e a n s w e r s h o u l d b e a d e q u a t e t o g e t y o u s t a r t e d o n l a t i t u d e a n d l o n g i t u d e .
3 . _ _
4 . _ _
5 . _ _
6 . _ _
7 . d G r e e c e
8 . b p r i m e m e r i d i a n
9 . a G r e e c e
1 0 . a C h i n a
1 1 . b H e r o d o t u s
1 2 . d U r
1 3 . _ _ N , _ _ E
1. Parallels are lines of a) latitude or b) longitude.
2. 40E is an example of a line of a) latitude b) longitude.
3. A line of longitude may also be termed a myrmidon. T / F
4. Tropic of Cancer: a) latitude b) longitude.
5. Prime meridian: a) latitude b) longitude.
6. Tropic of Capricorn: a) latitude b) longitude.
7. The equator: a) latitude b) longitude.
8. Map symbols such as cross-hatched lines, dotted lines, dashed areas, patches of color and shield-shaped items laden with numbers are explained in the __ __.
9. There are 4 pointed elements to this type of famous map graphic. Sometimes there are even more points. Additionally, this can be a colorful and decorative item. It is called a __ __ .
10. Pilots save expensive jet fuel by navigating a route called a __ __ __.
11. Another name for a map maker: __.
12. A slice or segment shaped in approximately triangular form - so that it can be fitted. It is called a segment.
13. Most of the maps we encounter in daily life are probably in the category of: b) political
14. Sketch a cross-section map of CMHS, including the river. It will be rough, but OK for our purpose today.
15. Latitude and longitude of Shreveport: __, __.
Three Crowded Cities Quiz / Trudeau
Please answer A for NYC / B for LA / C for Chicago.
1. Literature and art in a 1920’s movement called the Harlem Renaissance.
2. Tectonic plates and earthquakes.
3. The greatest variety of Buddhists in the US.
4. The Oprah Winfrey Show.
5. Cloud Gate, a sculpture called "The Bean."
6. Walt Disney Concert Hall.
7. The most densely populated US city.
8. Battery Park.
9. LaGuardia Airport.
10. Largest city in the most populous state.
11. City spread over a 500 square mile area.
12. El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina . . .
13. A mountain range splits this city.
14. Barack Obama’s political home.
15. Sears Tower, one of the world’s tallest buildings.
16. The second largest African American population in US.
17. The “Windy City“ is a nickname.
18. Mediterranean climate type.
19. ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox.
20. Erie Canal, 1825.
21. Mohicans.
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. a 10. b 11. b 12. b
13. b 14. c 15. c 16. c 17. c 18. b 19. a 20. a 21. a
Canada -
1. Russia and Alaska: what was the relationship? Russia owned Alaska. They sold it to the US in the mid-1800’s. It was an example of the US at its best. Think big! Take risks!
2. In what region of Canada do we see the famous Louisiana connection? Eastern Canada: Quebec Province.
2. The French immigrants who would migrate to Louisiana lived on the edge of Canada for how many years?
a) 50 b) 150 c) 500. About 4 generations; some 150 years.
3. Which European group wanted to expel the French colonists? The British won Canadian properties in a war. They renamed the French land called Acadia. The British called it Nova Scotia, or “New Scotland.”
4. The French called the expulsion le grand derangement. That’s similar to which American words? “Deranged” means “Crazy” or “messed up.” The British expelled the French because they were so obnoxious and hard to govern.
5. Were the Frenchmen sent directly to Louisiana? No.
To what locations were they sent? all of these - a) the Caribbean islands b) The American colonies c) France.
6. What do we call the earliest French-speaking people to settle in Louisiana? Creole people. The word “creole” referred to the “cry” of a baby born in the New World.
7. Which French group was second to populate the state?
The Acadians, or Acadiennes. Their name was morphed to Cajuns.
8. Which European group was in control of La when the Acadians migrated to the Mississippi? The Spanish.
9. In what region of La did the Acadians settle? In the swampy region distant from New Orleans. They would be isolated for the next 100 years.
10. From which region of France did most of the Acadians originate? From Western France, where the impoverished French were routinely mistreated.
11. Who was the French-Canadian leader who cut a deal with the Spanish to get the Acadians taken to Louisiana? His name was Beausoleil.
12. Who were the 2 brothers from Montreal who won fame by exploring the Gulf coast and establishing the city of Nouvelle Orleans? Mssrs. Iberville and Bienville!
US map review from work in the textbook:
1. NYC is about twice as populous as Washington, DC.
T / F
2. The principal population centers of the US are in the a) Upper Mid West b) Deep South c) Northeast d) Northwest
3. Vancouver and Seattle lie upon the a) Pacific b) Lake Superior c) North Atlantic d) Lake Michigan.
4. Canada is pretty much shaped like an exploding guinea pig. T / F
5. The most centrally-located of the big cities of the US:
a) Denver b) NYC c) Memphis d) Minneapolis.
6. Based upon the elevation map, Shreveport’s elevation must be approximately 1000 ft. T / F
7. Larger in area: a) Rocky Mts. b) Appalachian Mts. c) Mississippi Basin d) Great Plains.
8. Population density seems greater on the Pacific coast than on the Atlantic coast. T / F
9. Louisiana finds itself most definitely in the __ climate type. a) Mediterranean b) Tropical wet & dry c) Humid continental d) Humid subtropical.
1. false / It's about 3 times bigger.
2. C
3. a
4. true
5. a
6. false / Shreveport's about 300 feet above sea level.
7. a
8. false
9. d / Humid subtropical.
1. Name the ocean current that flows south along the coast of West Africa.
2. “ “ “ that flows west across the Atlantic and into the Caribbean at the midsection of the earth.
3. The Yucatan peninsula is a region. To what nation does it belong?
4. The capital of Cuba is a city on a beautiful and protective harbor. a) Name the city. b) State the English word which indicates a shelter from the storm.
5. Which body of water would be the most effective haven for ship-borne colonialists looking for shelter from storms? a) Great Lakes b) Mobile Bay c) Galveston Island.
6. Name for a bay in which the fresh water meets the salt water and wildlife and fish life is incubated: __ .
7. Type of rich soil that is deposited in a river delta each time the river floods: __ . alluvial
8. Storms often approach the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean. When the come from the south they pass through a strait bordered by Cuba and __ __ .
9. Name the island that lies south of Cuba and west of haiti / Dominican Republic: __ .
10. Explain in brief - but with logical steps - how the weather in Africa can affect the state of Louisiana.
1. A jet transport plane is likely to traverse a __ route as it goes on a transoceanic journey. a) Great Circle b) True Direction c) shipping d) Gulf stream.
2. The Mercator map is a cylindrical projection created about 1569 CE. T / F
3. Chinese greeting: a) Salaam alaykum b) Shalom
c) Ni hau d) S’up.
4. On the East the Mississippi River is adjacent to Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Minnesota. T / F
5. The Missouri River is longer than the Mississippi. T / F
6. What city lies at 39N, 116E?
a) Seoul, S. Korea b) Shanghai, China c) Beijing, China
d) Denver, Co
7. Greenwich, England, is home to the a) equator b) prime meridian c) prime rib, au jus.
8. Canada would be considered part of the __ hemisphere. a) Western b) Eastern c) Southern d) Central.
9. The Prime Meridian runs through London and the Equator runs through Hong Kong. T / F
10. The Tropic of Capricorn crosses South America, Africa, Madagascar and Australia. T / F
11. 90W is a line of longitude that runs through
a) Louisiana b) India and Bangladesh.
12. Latitude and longitude of Shreveport: a) 32N, 94E
b) 32E, 94N c) 32S, 94N d) 32N, 94W.
13. The implication in the article on corn is that rising costs of gasoline will not affect the corn crop. T / F
14. Pratt Industries is the company behind Shreveport’s new recycling program. Their main business is recycling
a) paper b) wood c) plastics d) glass products.
15. Shreveport’s recycling company, Pratt Industries, has
built its center on a site advantageous for cheap transportation. It is located on ____. a) I-49 b) I-20 c) downtown d) Red River.
15. Henry Miller Shreve took on quite a project when he began - in 1832 - to clear the log jam from the Red River. The Great Raft in the Red spanned about __ miles. a) 50 b) 150 c) 1,500 d) 10, 500.
Match a famous city with each of these coordinates:
16. 34N, 118W a) Boston b) Manila, Philippines c) Madrid, Spain d) Los Angeles
17. 19N, 99W a) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil b) Mecca, Saudi Arabia c) Mexico City
18. 22N, 115E a) Beijing, China b) Hong Kong, China c) Sydney, Australia
Supply the coordinates for -
19. Buenos Aires, Argentina a) 35N, 59E b) 35S, 59E c) 35S, 59W
20. Jakarta, Indonesia a) 6S, 106E b) 6N, 106E c) 6S, 106W d) 6E, 106S
1. A) Great Circle
2. T
3. C) Ni Hau
4. T
5. T
6. C) Beijing, China
7. B) Prime Meridian
8. A) Western
9. F
10. T
11. A) Louisiana
12. D) 32N, 94W
13. T
14. A) Paper
15. D) Red River
B) 150
16. D) Los Angeles
17. C) Mexico City
18. B) Hong Kong, China
19. C) 35S, 59W
20. A) 6S, 106E
Mesoamerica quiz for geographarians
1. Indigenous people of the Yucatan: a) Aztec b) Maya c) Guatemalans d) Mexican tribal peoples.
2. Inasmuch as the Mayans created an effective calendar for Mesoamerican (meso: “middle” America) peoples, we can say they must have been competent at a) astrology b) math c) language d) agriculture.
3. International success in Association football, aka soccer, is an achievement of a) Mexico b) Brazil c) Venezuela d) Argentina.
4. Central and South America are regions united by the usage of one great language: Spanish. T / F
5. Both Mexico and Brazil’s economies have been directly enhanced by the North American Free Trade Agreement, aka NAFTA. T / F
6. Chichen Itza is a notable element of the Mayan culture. It is equivalent to . . . a) Caribbean b) Cuba c) Paris d) Rocky Mountains.
7. Closest to the Yucatan peninsula: a) Jamaica b) Haiti
c) Bahamas d) Cuba.
8. Port-au-Prince is the capital of a) Jamaica b) Haiti
c) Bahamas d) Cuba.
9. Carnaval is a fabulous celebration in the nation of a) Mexico b) Brazil c) Venezuela d) Argentina.
10. While Cuba is communist, at least the islands of Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and Haiti are controlled by the US. T / F
11. The Caribbean names St Croix and Basse-Terre indicate that among the Caribbean colonial powers were the a) Spanish b) Italian c) English d) French.
12. Russia is a member of the petroleum-controlling association of nations called OPEC. T / F
13. Among the G7 nations, the elite of the current world, we will find a) Nigeria b) Brazil c) Saudi Arabia d) Canada.
14. When chocolate was brought to the Old World in the Columbian Exchange, the kings of Europe adopted it as a royal drink. T / F
15. Associated with the storms caused by the climate phenomenon called El Nino: a) Equatorial current b) California current c) Gulf Stream d) Canary current.
16. Dia de Los Muertos, Day of the Dead, is a celebration associated with the a) Cubans b) Haitians c) Mexicans d) Brazilians.
1. Maya 2. math 3. Brazil 4. T 5. F 6. Paris 7. Cuba 8. Haiti 9. Brazil 10. F
11. Spanish 12. F 13. Canada 14. F 15. California 16. Mexico
Caribbean overview -
1. A communist nation? Cuba
2. Nation that is the source of reggae? Jamaica
3. Island that is the largest US possession? Puerto Rico
4. Island that is closest to South America? Trinidad
5. Islands closest to Florida? Cuba
6. Nation upon which Columbus’ first set his foot? Bahamas
7. Which island has a capital city on a bay that was recognized as a smart place to weather a storm? Cuba
8. Which is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere? Haiti
9. What is the traditional and still the chief crop of most islands? sugar cane
10. What's the meaning of St Croix? saint cross
Review of the Maya
1. In which region of Mexico do the Maya reside? Yucatan
2. The approximate date for the peak of the Maya empire? 1000
3. The distinctive architecture includes what type of structure? pyramids
4. Name an area of technological achievement. astronomy
5. The Europeans had a serious problem with the Maya religious practice. Which part?
1. Yucatan peninsula
2. Maya society peaked about 900 CE.
3. Their pyramids have endured over a thousand years in a difficult environment.
4. Astronomy, calendar creation, math, writing, architecture, agriculture.
5. Human sacrifice seemed normal to the Maya and to the Aztecs.
Norte Americanos / Trudeau
1. Which nation is more distorted on a Mercator projection map? Argentina.
2. Greenwich, England, is home to the a) equator b) prime meridian c) oldest section of London d) the Earl of Sandwich.
3. One of these men was a cartographer: a) Vespucci
4. Parallels are lines of a) latitude
5. A mountain range splits this city: a) NYC b) Los Angeles c) Chicago.
6. Barrack Obama’s political home: a) NYC b) Los Angeles c) Chicago.
7. Prime meridian: b) longitude.
8. Latitude and longitude of Shreveport: a) 32N, 94E
b) 32E, 94N c) 32S, 94N d) 32N, 94W.
9. Prat Industries is the company behind Shreveport’s new recycling program. Their main business is recycling a) paper
Match a famous city with each of these coordinates:
10. 34N, 118W a) Boston b) Manila, Philippines c) Madrid, Spain d) Los Angeles
11. 19N, 99W a) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil b) Mecca, Saudi Arabia c) Mexico City
12. 22N, 115E a) Beijing, China b) Hong Kong, China c) Sydney, Australia
13. Louisiana finds itself most definitely in the __ climate type. d) Humid subtropical.
14. The deposit of sediment by the Mississippi River, which keeps the land healthy via distribution of alluvial soil, was altered by the construction of __. a) canals b) bridges c) levees d) dams.
15. The French who were born in Louisiana colony were called a) Creoles
16. Between their impoverished life in Western France and their impoverished life as pioneers in Louisiana, the French colonists spent about 150 years in Acadia.
17. Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gather founded Cirque de Soleil
18. The nation’s capital: a) Quebec b) Montreal c) Ottawa
d) Toronto.
19. Name for a bay in which the fresh water meets the salt water and wildlife and fish life is incubated: a) estuary
20. Buenos Aires, Argentina a) 35N, 59E b) 35S, 59E c) 35S, 59W
From Vancouver to Montreal: the Canada quiz
1. Canada’s population is about one tenth of the US population, although it is slightly larger than the US in area. T / F
2. An island in Eastern Canada came under British rule with the Treaty of Utrecht (1713). This resulted in a serious change in the population of a) Nova Scotia b) Quebec c) Massachusetts
d) Montreal.
3. Canadians often speak 2 languages, owing to their nation’s ethnicity: a) English & German b) English & French c) English & Inuit d) English & Canadianne.
4. Born and raised in Montreal: a) Michael Cera
b) Sieur d’Iberville c) Beausoleil d) Celine Dion.
5. The French who were born in Louisiana colony were called a) Creoles b) Acadiennes c) Cajuns d) Gumbo.
6. Between their impoverished life in Western France and their impoverished life as pioneers in Louisiana, the French colonists spent about 150 years in a) the Caribbean b) British Columbia c) Toronto d) Acadia.
7. Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier founded a) Canadian Waste Disposals Systems b) Cirque de Soleil c) the rock band Rush d) Quebec City.
8. The nation’s capital: a) Quebec b) Montreal c) Ottowa
d) Toronto.
9. The Great Lakes connect to the Atlantic via the
a) Illinois-Michigan Canal b) Erie Canal c) Niagra Falls
d) St Lawrence River.
10. Part of Canada is an archipelago. T / F
11. “Canada is also geologically active, having many earthquakes and potentially active volcanoes,” says Wikipedia. This would refer to __ Canada. a) Eastern b) Western c) Northern d) Southern
12. The coordinates are 45N, 73W: a) Toronto b) Winnipeg c) Detroit d) Montreal.
Canada quiz
1. True
2. A Nova Scotia
3. B Eng & Fr
4. B Iberville
5. A Creoles
6. D Acadia
7. B Cirque de Soleil
8. C Ottawa (I misspelled it on the quiz - apologies)
9. B or D Both the Erie Canal and the St Lawrence
10. T archipelago
11. B Western - where the principal mountains erupt.
12. D Montreal
Name the nation that is home to . . .
1. Audi 2. Rolls Royce 3. Citroen 4. VW 5. Jaguar
6. BMW 7. Peugeot 8. Cooper / Morris 9. Land Rover
10. Mercedes Benz (Daimler Benz) 11. Porsche 12. Renault
13. MG 14. Volvo 15. Aston Martin 16. Saab
17. Bugatti Veyron 18. Lexus 19. Bentley
20. Lotus
German: 1, 6, 10, 11, 17
UK: 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20
France: 3, 7, 12
Sweden: 14, 16
From Hibernia (the Roman name for Ireland) to Bavaria quiz
1. The Deutsch Mark has been replaced by the
a) Euro b) Franc c) Pound d) USD.
2. The European continent is dominated by a) Asians
b) peninsulas c) Russia d) automobile manufacturers.
3. Bentley and Lotus are high-quality, snob-appeal vehicles manufactured in Germany for the wealthy class not only in Europe, but in Asia and the US as well. T / F
4. Stockholm, Denmark, is a great city of the region called Scandinavia, former home of the Vikings. T / F
5. Iceland is populated with migrants from a) Britain
b) Sweden c) Ireland d) Greenland.
6. A conception of what is artistically valid, beautiful, fresh or graceful: a) aesthetics b) stereotypes c) synergy
d) aegis.
7. For some 200 years the dominant ethnic group of the US was the a) European Catholics b) Norsemen
c) German-Americans d) Anglo-Saxons.
8. The term “United Kingdom” (UK) is a) ethnocentric
b) not ethnocentric c) Eurocentric d) not Eurocentric.
9. The category Protestant includes denominations such as Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian and Unitarian. T / F
10. Morocco is included in the category of a European nation because it is separated from the Euros only by the Strait of Gibraltar. T / F
11. Germany is not included in the category of a European nation because it was settled by Celts and Asians. T / F
12. To reach Helsinki, Finland, by ship from London you must pass through the __ Sea and the Baltic Sea. a) Strait of Dover
b) Arctic c) North d) Gulf of Bothnia.
13. What European nation’s capital city lies at 60N, 10E? a) Sweden
b) Norway c) Denmark d) Finland.
14. Which auto company was founded in the Germany’s southern region of Bavaria? a) BMW b) Audi c) Volkswagen d) Mercedes Benz.
15. Which is more populous? a) Germany b) UK c) France d) Spain.
1. a) Euro
2. b) peninsulas
3. False
4. False
5. b) Sweden
6. a) aesthetics
7. d) Anglo-Saxons.
8. a) ethnocentric
9. True
10. F
11. F
12. c) North
13. b) Norway
14. a) BMW
15. a) Germany
Europe, France & French history
1. Quiche is made of eggs, milk and __. a) cheese b) onions c) bacon d) flour.
2. Versailles was principally the creation of King Louis the a) IV b) XII c) XIV d) XVI.
3. Three words come to mind with Versailles: a) opulent b) ostentatious c) exorbitant.
Which one would apply to the king, personally?
4. There was a nickname for the king who built Versailles: a) le Roi Soleil b) Vaux le Vicomte
c) Rue de Bourbon d) Quiche Lorraine.
5. Versailles is known to students and historians as a symbol of a) fascism b) nationalism c) absolute monarchy d) democracy.
6. Beef and vegetable stew: a) Ratatouille b) Courvoisier c) Sauce Mayonnaise
d) Escargots.
7. Not a French car company: a) Renault b) Peugeot c) Citroen d) Michelin.
8. The minuscule nation of Monaco is on the Mediterranean but does not share a border with France. T / F
9. The Pyrenees are mountains that form an ancient boundary between the French and the Spanish between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. T / F
10. The Rhine River is popularly thought to run in a northerly direction but, in fact, does not. The "flows north" factoid is an urban legend. The Rhine flows to the Mediterranean. T / F
11. A tasty, crumbly loaf of French bread can be purchased in the Vieux Carre and consumed with champagne and an omelette in a place called Nouvelle Orleans. The name for the spindly loaf?
a) escargot b) cafe au lait c) louvre d) le roi soleil e) baguette.
12. Wikipedia implies that he most expensive objects in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles were the
a) mirrors b) silver furniture c) chandeliers d) ceiling murals.
13. France's lack of harbors and rivers would be a reason for this nation's widespread and horrendous poverty. T / F
14. While France is a bit larger than Germany in area, it has a somewhat smaller population. T / F
15. In Metropolitan Population the second largest city in France is a) Marseille b) Versailles
c) Toulouse d) Lyons e) Strasbourg.
16. The history of France is far more important to the world than its contemporary status. T / F
17. Britain and France may smell alike (wine, cigars and perfume, mostly) but when it comes to the number of people residing there, the difference is staggering. T / F
18. France owns 2 islands in the Mediterranean; they are Corsica and Sardinia. T / F
19. France also owns 2 islands, if tiny ones, in the Atlantic; they are Guernsey and Jersey. T / F
1. cheese (fromage)
2. Louis XIV
3. The king was not opulent; his palace was opulent. The king was ostentatious.
4. le roi soleil, "the sun king."
5. absolute monarchy
6. ratatouille, by process of elimination.
7. Michelin; they make tires and maps.
8. f please see your atlas
9. t please see your atlas
10. f please see your atlas
11. e baguette
12. a mirrors
13. f please see your atlas
14. t please see your atlas
15. a please see your atlas
16. f web site notes
17. f please see your atlas
18. f please see your atlas
19. f please see your atlas
Review of North Central Europe
1) The Rhine River begins in the nation of __.
2) The Rhine flows north to the port of __.
3) The capital of Bavaria: __.
4) Comparing the list of notable products from Italy and Germany leads me to conclude they are both leading nations in design and manufacturing. T / F
5) Germany has had little impact on the US culture. An example would be that there are few German cuisine restaurants to be found in America. T / F
6) The WWII period saw a partnership, called the Axis by Americans, between Germany and another fascist nation: __ .
7) Olive oil, balsamic vinegar and espresso: while enjoyed across the globe these items originate with the nation of __ .
Write ‘a’ for origin in Italy and ‘b’ for origin in Germany:
8) Audi
9) Ferrari
10) Mercedes Benz
11) Porsche
12) BMW
13) Smart Car
14) Compare the population of Germany to the US: America is approximately __ times bigger in population.
15. Lego toy system's home nation: __ .
16. Name the German company that developed acetylsalicylic acid as a household curative: __ .
17. The swastika was a symbol of the Nazis for about 15 years. But for 3000 years it was a symbol for good fortune in many widespread cultures. Cite the culture, based on religion, with which it was not associated: __ .
18. Name the American jazz leader who helped establish the big band era and was a virtuoso on trumpet: ___ .
19. Gypsies were targeted by the Third Reich for extermination. The best-known Gypsy-born fellow of the era was the Belgian guitarist __ __.
20. Harlem is a neighborhood in the borough of __ .
21. The Nazis were effective at building a type of super-patriotism. To convince the youth of the Nazi point of view they used exaggeration and fabrications. This is called __ .
22. The National Socialist German Worker’s Party was not at all
__ .
23. Nazi Germany began its conquest of Europe with the nation of Poland, 1939. T / F
24. Copenhagen is a German city which is on an island in the Baltic Sea. T / F
Deutschland / Swing Kids
1. The movie "Swing Kids" takes place in Hamburg. The story of the White Rose is a similar chronicle of young people who protested the Reich. Students who were in the White Rose were executed in 1945. That story took place in a) Hamburg b) Munich c) Berlin d) Amsterdam.
2. The capital of Germany is the city of a) Hamburg b) Munich c) Berlin d) Amsterdam.
3. The capital of the region of Bavaria is a) Hamburg b) Munich c) Berlin d) Amsterdam.
4. The dates of US involvement in WWII include declaring war against Germany in 1941, beginning the Invasion of Europe (D-Day) in 1944 and forcing - along with the Russians - the surrender of Germany in the year of a) 1944 b) 1945 c) 1946 d) 1947.
5. In the movie, the fate of Thomas Berger's father and Peter Muller's father was similar. T / F
6. The censorship and control of artistic materials on the part of the Nazis means that the regime was a) nationalistic b) socialistic c) totalitarian d) ethnocentric.
7. "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing," was a theme of the swing kids. That line was from a song written by a) Benny Goodman b) Gene Krupa c) Django Reinhardt d) Duke Ellington.
8. The protagonist of the movie: a) Peter Muller b) Thomas Berger c) Arvid Hitmann d) Mr. Muller, Peter's father.
9. a) Verrator b) Jugend c) Achtung d) Verboten: Choose the German word that means "forbidden."
10. The short form of the name National Socialist German Worker's Party: a) Axis powers b) fascists c) Nazis d) socialists.
11. German Jew who escaped to the US in the 1930's: a) Karl Marx b) Albert Einstein c) Count Von Zeppelin d) Django Rheinhardt.
12. Lederhosen and the dirndl are traditional garb in the region around a) Munchen b) Frankfort c) Hamburg d) Berlin.
13. Which German word means "youth"? a) Jugend b) Juden c) Krieg d) Heine.
14. The Deutsch Mark has been replaced by the a) Euro b) Franc c) Pound d) USD.
15. a) BMW b) Audi c) Volkswagen d) Mercedes Benz e) Lexus f) Mini Cooper. Which of these auto companies is not German?
16. The attitude of the many German officers who murdered innocent Europeans: a) "We just play along. We get whatever we want." b) You've got to go along; make the best of things. We're not in charge." c) "I just wised up." d) "You must learn to steel yourself."
17. The swastika is a symbol for good fortune borrowed from a) Poland b) Gypsies c) India d) Turkey.
18. Germany did not control this nation during the 1940's: a) Denmark b) Norway c) Austria d) Russia.
1. b Munich / Munchen
2. c Berlin
3. b Munich / Munchen
4. b ‘45
5. T
6. c totalitarian
7. d Duke Ellington
8. a Peter Muller
9. d verboten
10. c Nazis
11. b Einstein
12. a Munchen / Munich
13. a jugend
14. a Euro
15. e Lexus or f Mini Cooper (though I did not point out that Cooper is now owned by the German company BMW)
16. b “We’re not in charge.”
17. c India
18. d Russia
Friday, December 19, 2008
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