Thursday, September 17, 2009

Enriched geography has additional requirements: reading one book per semester and development of social studies project

Deadlines for the items required of students taking the enriched sections of world geography:
Due Nov 30: Social Studies Fair project in Powerpoint-display form. Magnet SS Fair will be Dec 4.
Book reports due Dec 14.
Value of the Book Report: 25 pts., Soc Studies Project: 25 pts.
Students have a handout that needs a parent signature __ .

1) Reading and reporting upon one book - in each semester.
* choose a book based on your interests (ex.: soccer, dance, horses).
* book to be approved by your teacher
* Books for which a movie has been made will not be allowed.
* topic related to our study of Europe in first semester; related to Asia in 2nd semester.
* approximately 200 pages (teacher discretion)
* report will comprise 2 parts -

a) Graphic Book Report - Powerpoint style - that illustrates the region and issues addressed by your book. 8 images, each augmented with 3 bulleted items of explanation. Title. Bibliography.
b) Book Essay in which 3 incidents in the book are described and explained in the context of one of the book's themes.
c) both will be submitted vis GoogleDocs.

Social Studies Fair Project -
* submitted via image-based report (Powerpoint-style) in GoogleDocs.
* purpose is to show fluency with the Scientific Method.
* student articulates . . .
- social problem
- hypothesis for solution to problem
- review of literature that addresses the problem
- conclusion drawn from literature review
- bibliography
- abstract, or half-page summary of entire project
- evaluation of one's own project - strengths, areas that needed improvement.
- grammar, spelling and construction
- student need not build traditional backboard display unless teacher and student agree on an entry into the social studies fair.
- students may work solo, in a duo or a 3-person team. And, yes, there will be bonus points for those who can devise an international team.