Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Three great cities the topic for an Urban Quiz Bowl on Thurs, Sept 17

Nyc artist
Originally uploaded by trudeau
In the computer lab we begin research into America’s 3 great cities: Los Angeles, Chicago and NYC. It is preparation for a team Urban Quiz Bowl next Thurs. The winning group wins bonus points or the permission to make home-made pizza and serve it to their class.

Your task:
Make a list of identifications on each city comprising the following topics (I will give you examples) -

- demographics: metro populations and ethnic proportions
- history: explorers, naming and major development points
- physical geography: terrain, environment
- neighborhoods, regions: the famous ones
- climate: basic weather types
- notable buildings: landmarks
-performing arts institutions, such as museums and performing troupes
- tourism: light entertainment
- cuisine: characteristic foods
- sports / college & pro teams
- personalities: celebs, moguls
- economy: the best-known indutries
- universities: the famous ones
- transportation: rail? river?

- Use,, or
- Assemble all research items in bulleted form and store on GoogleDocs. Cite sources at bottom.

* Have a print-out ready for the Urban Quiz Bowl in class on Thurs.
- Tie-breaker questions will be on Washington, DC.