Sunday, September 12, 2010

Open notes quiz Tues/Wed: 5 themes of geography and mondotrudeau notes

Place, Region and Location were featured in class last week as we studied the relative location of Magnet and the factors which inspired the founding and growth of Shreveport.

Notice the cross-cultural tourism event in the illustration: the Dragon Boat Races on the Red River. While I'm sure the Caddo peoples also raced boats, theirs were heavy dug-outs. These Chinese craft are based on ancient and heavy log-based designs. But the modern craft are light and of modern construction.

The team paddling sport of dragon boat racing originated in China over 2000 years ago, says Wikipedia.

Chinese dragons are traditionally believed to be the rulers of rivers and seas and dominate the clouds and the rains of heaven. There are earth dragons, mountain dragons and sky or celestial dragons (Tian Long) in Chinese tradition.

The races are associated with big celebrations in Hong Kong, Shanghai, on the Yangtze River, and in other East Asian nations such as Malaysia and Singapore.

The city of Vancouver, Canada, is also known for its dragon boat enthusiasm. Wonder why?

Quiz: about 14 mult-choice questions.