Sunday, September 21, 2008

NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago: Week of Set 22 - 26

Originally uploaded by trudeau
NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago:
Week of Set 22 - 26

Substitute is Mrs. Hanson, a terrific writer and kick boxer.

Mon and Tues classes are in the B-3 computer lab. Research into America’s 3 great cities in preparation for a team Quiz Bowl on Fri in which the winning group wins bonus points or a Lexus (one auto only and subject to all taxes, I’m afraid). Take the bonus points, please. Heck, for the price of a Lexus we might be able to get, like, 4 Smart Cars. I’ll look into it.

Your task:
Make a list of identifications on each city comprising the following topics -
- demographics
- history
- geography
- neighborhoods, regions, etc.
- climate
- notable buildings
- culture, including performing arts
- tourism
- cuisine
- sports
- personalities
- economy
- colleges
- transportation
- Use, or
- Assemble all research items in bulleted form. Include sources at bottom. Have a print-out ready in class on Fri .
- Tie-breaker questions will be on Washington, DC.

Hand-sketched map of NYC including your choice of 12 locations. Identifications must be placed spearedly and spelled mahootily.

Open notes reading comprehension quiz, multiple-choice, on class notes through Wed.

Urban Quiz Bowl.

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