Thursday, September 04, 2008

questions found on the first geography quiz, entitled Latitude

Cmhs 1st hr, Shreveport
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Geography quiz: the Basics / 08-09 / Trudeau

1. A jet transport plane is likely to traverse a __ route as it goes on a transoceanic journey. a) Great Circle b) True Direction c) shipping d) Gulf stream.
2. The Mercator map is a cylindrical projection created about 1569 CE. T / F
3. Chinese greeting: a) Salaam alaykum b) Shalom
c) Ni hau d) S’up.
4. On the East the Mississippi River is adjacent to Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Minnesota. T / F
5. The Missouri River is longer than the Mississippi. T / F
6. What city lies at 39N, 116E?
a) Seoul, S. Korea b) Shanghai, China c) Beijing, China
d) Denver, Co
7. Greenwich, England, is home to the a) equator b) prime meridian c) prime rib, au jus.
8. Canada would be considered part of the __ hemisphere. a) Western b) Eastern c) Southern d) Central.
9. The Prime Meridian runs through London and the Equator runs through Hong Kong. T / F
10. The Tropic of Capricorn crosses South America, Africa, Madagascar and Australia. T / F

11. 90W is a line of longitude that runs through
a) Louisiana b) India and Bangladesh.
12. Latitude and longitude of Shreveport: a) 32N, 94E
b) 32E, 94N c) 32S, 94N d) 32N, 94W.
13. The implication in the article on corn is that rising costs of gasoline will not affect the corn crop. T / F
14. Pratt Industries is the company behind Shreveport’s new recycling program. Their main business is recycling
a) paper b) wood c) plastics d) glass products.
15. Shreveport’s recycling company, Pratt Industries, has
built its center on a site advantageous for cheap transportation. It is located on ____. a) I-49 b) I-20 c) downtown d) Red River.
15. Henry Miller Shreve took on quite a project when he began - in 1832 - to clear the log jam from the Red River. The Great Raft in the Red spanned about __ miles. a) 50 b) 150 c) 1,500 d) 10, 500.
Match a famous city with each of these coordinates:
16. 34N, 118W a) Boston b) Manila, Philippines c) Madrid, Spain d) Los Angeles
17. 19N, 99W a) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil b) Mecca, Saudi Arabia c) Mexico City
18. 22N, 115E a) Beijing, China b) Hong Kong, China c) Sydney, Australia
Supply the coordinates for -
19. Buenos Aires, Argentina a) 35N, 59E b) 35S, 59E c) 35S, 59W
20. Jakarta, Indonesia a) 6S, 106E b) 6N, 106E c) 6S, 106W d) 6E, 106S

Answers to be posted tomorrow.

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