Wednesday, August 09, 2006

中国 Map: China's Income Disparity / first class day notes

Ni Hau!
That's the Mandarin Chinese phrase that means "Hello." It's the most oft-uttered Hello on the globe.

World population: 6.5 billion plus (estimates vary), acc to
US pop: 296 million, acc to
Chinese population: 1.3 billion, acc to

How do the Chinese and Americans intersect at the gasoline pump? Growing Chinese demand for gasoline (more autos being sold in China than ever due to a rapidly growing economy) is one of the several factors that affect petroleum costs.

Demographics: the study of populations of people. Greek: demos: people, and graphy: writing. Examples of usage in demography: ethnicity, gender, age.
example: middle schools represented by students in my classes (nearly all first-years):

St Marks 1
Turner 1
Ridgewood 6
Caddo Career & Technical Middle (formerly Hollywood) 3
First Baptist 5
Southfield 11
Caddo Middle Magnet 61
Youree 16
Walnut Hill 6
Keithville 4
Bickham 2
Herndon 9
Broadmoor 5
Other high school transfers 5

Interpreting the numbers is the key to being an effective thinker. Some 60% of my students come from 13 middle schools. They all need new friends. Therefore the tone of CMHS is that the majority of students in your classes are building a new network of friends. That factor makes Magnet friendly and open.

Just In Time retailing: retailers can compete more effectively when they carry a small inventory. To offset the down side of limited quantity, they must re-order quickly to keep customer satisfaction. Example: Barnes & Noble will not have 300 copies of the RMQRWA. They will restock quickly when they run out, however.

Princicpal themes of our class: questioning and communication.

Recommended resources: explore this for video storage and editing.

Coming Friday, Aug 18, 1:30 - 2:15: Brown Bag Lunches in C4. Parents who'd like to meet with me in the classroom to get acquainted, please consider visiting me at school. Email me if you want to visit; that's

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